Conservative and liberal lawmakers unite on child safety with social media Bill

    Conservative and liberal lawmakers unite on child safety with social media Bill

    Is your child on social media well Tonight we have a breaking news story on An incoming Senate bill that could Change the way kids access social media Platforms the bill aims to protect Children from the impacts of social Media I'm Gary franchi and I want you to Keep up with the latest news tap Subscribe and enable your notifications As social media use among children Continues to rise lawmakers in the United States are taking steps to Protect miners from the negative impacts Of these platforms a bipartisan bill has Been introduced in the Senate that would Set a minimum age for children on social Media and require parental consent for Teenagers aged 13 to 17. the bill has Garnered support from both Democrats and Republicans reflecting the growing Concern among lawmakers about the impact Of social media on children's well-being This bipartisan conversation is hitting Its peak with a Democrat surgeon made a Viral admission two months ago that 13 13 year old was indeed too young for Social Media Watch This morning the U.S Surgeon General Taking a stand against kids on social Media saying their team is still too Young I personally based on the data I've seen believe that 13 is too early And I think that it's a time you know Early adolescence where kids are

    Developing their identity their sense of Self ABC News medical contributor Dr Alok Patel says research shows the Surgeon General is right those brains Are still developing and we have enough Research to show that constant social Media scrolling can actually affect Brain chemistry in these young kids There's plenty of research to suggest That social media especially social Media addiction can have a negative Impact on teen's mental health Increasing risk of conditions such as Anxiety depression body dysmorphia Disrupting sleep school work teens are Even exposed to misinformation hate Speech cyber bullying and predators out There who want to manipulate teens and Get their identity and their privacy This A new bill is being introduced in the Senate that proposes to set a minimum Age limit for children on social media That's according to a report in the Washington Post the bilico sponsored by Senators Brian Shaz Tom Cotton Chris Murphy and Kate Boyle Brett Aims to protect children from the Negative impacts of social media and the Use of algorithms to Target minors Under the proposed Bill children under 13 would be banned from accessing social Media platforms while teenagers 13 to 17 Would require parental consent before

    Using the platforms the legislation is Expected to address growing concerns Among parents over the role of Technology in their children's lives This move by senators shats and cotton Follows similar efforts by lawmakers on Both sides of the aisle to protect Children on social media In Florida for example a bill was Introduced that would require public Schools to teach children about social Media safety the bill proposed by Republican state senator Danny Burgess Was aimed at helping children realize The long-term consequences of their Actions online similarly Republican Lawmakers in Congress have proposed Legislation that would keep children Under 16 off social media platforms Altogether according to representative Chris Stewart who introduced one of These bills earlier this year protecting Children from the negative impacts of Social media is akin to protecting them From drinking smoking and driving all of Which are activities that are restricted Until a certain age One of the roadblocks to implementing These measures is how to verify the ages Of young users however a recent poll Conducted by parents defending education Found that over two-thirds of parents Are not comfortable with their children Using social media platforms like Tick

    Tock without supervision while 68 of Parents are not comfortable with them Using Facebook without supervision a Majority of parents at 63 percent are Also not comfortable with their children Using Instagram without supervision and 74 percent of parents with a child in Elementary school Express similar Concerns about Snapchat According to Nikki Neely the president And founder of parents defending Education the role of technology in Children's lives has become a growing Concern for American parents over the Past several years this bill is a step In the right direction to address these Concerns and protect children from the Negative impacts of social media As social media continues to permeate Every aspect of Modern Life the need to Protect children from its negative Effects has become increasingly pressing The bipartisan Bill introduced in the Senate which seeks to set a minimum age For children on social media and require Parental consent for teenagers is a Critical step in this direction it's Equally critical to remember that this Should not only be a government solution But that parents should be heavily Involved in the process as well in the End schools should not be driving their Children to limit their social media Usage their parents should have taken

    The lead the less government involvement Is required the better for us all Especially with our children Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report if You started to notice that wrinkles Fine Lines bags under your eyes or other Typical signs of aging are appearing More and more frequently in your face Well it may not be the result of the Stress of the New Year the presence of Wrinkles and other signs of aging are Some of the most reliable indicators That your collagen levels are low by Using this multi-collagen powder which I Love to use you'll be able to experience The healthy aging effects of collagen That it has on your skin as a result of Taking this for a week I've noticed a Significant reduction in the appearance Of wrinkles and fine lines on my face I'm very pleased with the results that I've seen it's had an amazing effect on Me and I want you to experience the same Go to to get a bag For 51 off plus several free bonuses Before their new year sale ends you can Find the link for Under the video or you can click the Word more at the bottom to find the link And get ready to look your best this Brand new year at

    We'll see you at the next report for the Next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please please share This report and to get more videos like This become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network Foreign