The definition of hypocrisy is when you Can't live up to your own standard so You have imposed a zero tolerance policy That is resulting in the highest rate of Revocations in 16 years and you wouldn't Be able to meet your own Zero Tolerance Policy because you lose stuff you're Supposed to keep and then you keep stuff That it's illegal to keep gentleman Yields back gentleman from Florida is Recognized how many guns is the ATF lost I'm not sure I understand the question Is it a difficult question to understand Uh well I I don't know if you're Referring to any particular incident or How many instances should we be looking At where you've lost guns Um so if if what you're referring to is What happened at the national Destruction branch no guns were lost They were stolen by an individual who's Now in prison right who was not an ATF There were recommendations made on what You should do so that you don't become The victim of the theft and the Inspector General's saying you're not Following them I'm quoting directly from The inspector General's report thousands Of firearms firearms parts and Ammunition had been stolen from the ATF So you gave testimony that the brave ATF Agents are the ones showing up at two in The morning after a burglary but it Seems as though in this case you were
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The one burglarized why have you not Followed the recommendations of the of The office of Inspector General so that You aren't the mark Again it is it I want to say it is a Brave women of of eight men and women of ATF who do do this that's not uh I know That's it you're getting robbed on one Hand so you can't keep a hold of the Guns you're supposed to have but then You do keep a hold of a bunch of stuff You're not supposed to have a hold of The GAO report Firearms data ATF did not Always comply with the Appropriations Act restriction and should better adhere To its policies as a result of breaking The law didn't you guys have to go and Delete like a quarter of a million Records that you illegally kept again With respect to both the Inspector General reports that you're talking One's Inspector General one's GAO G8 the The the the Inspector General report uh ATF that happened uh several years ago More than that 2020 ETF and ATF has the Report came out but the theft and ATF Has implemented uh numerous different Safety measures with respect to the National uh destructive person I mean I'm reading to you from the report from Last year Mr director we found that the NDB staff does not currently Currently in 2022 adhere to established Operating procedures in place to
Mitigate risk of firearms being lost and Stolen so I guess that shows an ATF that Is not functioning correctly and is not Responding to the problems you create You keep records you're not supposed to It was a quarter million of them you had To delete right Um I I don't believe that that is uh was It over 200 000 so what what was Happening was I just want to know the Number of Records you had to delete that Were not being lawful lawfully Maintained there were there were records That were had not actually been searched But my understanding hundreds of Thousands searchable and so that's what You guys do you keep what you shouldn't Keep you lose what you're not supposed To lose but how do you treat regular Americans I got this letter from someone In my district a Firearms dealer I have Been a Firearms dealer for 46 years for 46 years I've had a good relationship With law enforcement then came the atf's Zero tolerance policy two years ago While in the process of selling a Firearm to a customer I completed their Background check using Florida's FDLE Firearm purchasing program the Background check was uneventful and FDLE Rendered an approval number some months Later during an ATF audit I was told the Background check was now a non-approval Even though FDLE made the air her it was
On my paperwork so ATF deemed it a Willful error after completing close to 50 000 background checks over 46 years Why would I willfully ignore this Background check the answer is simple I Did not but the ATF has revoked my License ended my career and my Livelihood so I guess the question is Why should you be able to destroy the Life of one of my constituents over a Technicality where they weren't even at Fault when you all lose thousands of Guns and illegally keep hundreds of Thousands of Records Respectfully with respect the Congress Has has given us the authority to Inspect and make sure that firearms Dealers the vast majority by the which Are compliant they are our first line of Defense Um in in dealing with uh straw purchases This guy isn't your first line of Defense anymore he's fired a very small Uh minority those dealers after due Process uh have a small minority a small Minority ATF enforcer of gun laws lost Thousands of firearm Parts thieves new Data shows ATF gun store restrictions at The highest rate in 16 years Mr director The definition of hypocrisy is when you Can't live up to your own standard so You have imposed a zero tolerance policy That is resulting in the highest rate of Revocations in 16 years and you wouldn't
Be able to meet your own Zero Tolerance Policy because you lose stuff you're Supposed to keep and then you keep stuff That it's illegal to keep and by the way I am one of those Maga Republic that Would defund your salary your agency and I don't and I think all these good Things that you say exist could happen With those Folks at the local and state Level and this is it is a terrible abuse Of power