Biden’s Campaign: A Case of Elder Abuse?

    Biden's Campaign: A Case of Elder Abuse?

    As Joe Biden's missteps and gaffs Continue to accumulate many wonder if The Democrat nominee will even make it Through his re-election campaign but if He does one GOP Presidential candidate Is suggesting that it would be nothing Short of elder abuse by the managerial Class with Biden's obvious cognitive Decline it's clear that he's being Prompt up by a team of handlers who are More concerned about pushing their own Agenda than the well-being of the man They claim to care about as we approach The 2024 election it's more important Than ever to consider what another Biden Presidency would look like and whether We're willing to accept the consequences Stay updated with the latest news tap Subscribe below and enable notifications Foreign Yet another shocking Twist of the Upcoming presidential election Entrepreneur of Vivek ramaswamy has Exposed President Joe Biden's campaign Claiming that it's just a front for the Managerial class he alleges that Biden's Cognitive impairment means the Administrative state is controlling him Like a puppet he also even claimed it Would be tantamount to elder abuse for Biden to continue in office watch I Actually see it Brian the essence of What's happening is it is a myth that Joe Biden is actually the one running

    For president it is the managerial Industrial complex that's actually Behind him and his cognitive failures That's not just a bug that is a feature In the same way that it is for John Fetterman as a U.S senator the Administrative State the managerial Class can actually control its puppets More effectively when those puppets are Literally unable to think it does strike Me closer to a form of elder abuse than It does to the hubris of Joe Biden That's really what I see in this and Whoever wins this nomination I'm running To win the Republican nomination I don't See myself as then running against Joe Biden I see myself as running against The managerial class with a puppet in Front of it much like The Wizard of Oz Portrays an image it's a false Projection of the reality that's Actually behind him that's actually what I see Brian and I think that once we Wake up to that we realize this is the Managerial class versus the everyday Citizen Well said Ramaswami's comments come after President Biden recently announced he Would be seeking re-election in 2024 by The time he finishes a hypothetical Second term Biden would be 86 years old Raising concerns about his capacity to Serve as the leader of the United States

    In a separate video the Republican Candidate also called out the Democrat National Committee for refusing to host Primary debates this year ramaswamy Believes that primary debates are Essential for democracy as they offer Voters the chance to scrutinize each Candidate and make an informed decision By denying voters this opportunity He Suggests that DNC is spitting in the Face of their Grassroots base watch So a few thoughts on Biden's supposed Re-election campaign for U.S president The first is the Dirty Little Secret Here is that Biden's not actually Running for president it's the Managerial class putting him up as their Stooge as their puppet to stand up for Their own agenda that's why his Cognitive impairment doesn't bother them That's not a bug that's a feature to Them just like John fetterman it lends Biden to be subject to control by his Handler so that's the first point second Point is it was pretty interesting to Watch the likes of Susan Rice resign Literally the day before Biden announces For re-election but many more of the Public Masters looking how they can pull The strings on the puppet in the next Election cycle but the real thing that Should stick with every person in the Democratic party too is that they spat In the face of their own Base by saying

    That there wouldn't be debates Biden is and his handlers are so Uncourageous that they would not subject Him to actually even being questioned by The likes of you know some thoughtful People like RFK Jr who are in that race That's not a risk that Biden's handlers Would actually want to take and so you Know I think it's interesting I mean the Democratic party is the Democratic party They're the party of the managerial Class The Republican Party need to stand for The fact that yes we mean what we say When we say Free Speech we mean that we Stand for free speech that's a culture Of free speech that's why debate free Speech and open debate is so so Important to our party and as Biden goes The way of the bureaucratic class you Know what we go the way of actually Saying that we're going to lead based on The agenda based on substance and yes That means that we're not afraid of Taking on debate whether that's me Versus Don Lemon on their set or whether That's a stage of Republican debate Stage participants we shouldn't be the Party that's afraid of debate we should Be the party that says you know what We're confident enough and have enough Self-confidence to yes stand for that Ideal let the Democrats be the party of Silencing opposition let the Republican

    Party if it's to grow up be a party of Actually standing on the values we Preach The national Democrat Party has said it Supports Biden's re-election and has no Plans to sponsor primary debates this is Despite two Challengers Robert F Kennedy Jr and Marianne Williamson announcing Their campaigns the allegations brought Forth by ramaswamy deserve attention They suggest that the country's most Powerful politicians are not the ones Running the show but rather unelected Officials behind the scenes the upcoming Elections will be pivotal as they will Test not only the government's Legitimacy but also the people's trust Biden's canancy is riddled with Inconsistencies and concerns over his Mental capacity it's clear that the Democrat nominee is not equipped to Handle the demands of the presidency and The fact that his handlers are still Pushing him forward despite his obvious Cognitive decline is a serious cause for Concern as Americans we must consider Whether we're willing to accept the Risks associated with Biden's presidency Or whether we want to elect a leader who Will put the interests of the nation First the stakes are high and the choice Is ours let's continue the conversation In the comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi

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