Tucker Carlson Shares POWERFUL Message After Leaving Fox News

    Tucker Carlson Shares POWERFUL Message After Leaving Fox News

    I don't know if you saw the Tucker Carlson Um Uh little mini monologue that he put Online yesterday let's play this here Good evening it's Tough you realize when you step outside The noise for a few days is how many Genuinely nice people there are in this Country kind and decent people people Who really care about what's true and a Bunch of hilarious people also a lot of Those it's got to be the majority of the Population even now So that's heartening the other thing you Notice when you take a little time off Is how unbelievably stupid most of the Debates you see on television are They're completely irrelevant they mean Nothing in five years we won't even Remember that we had them Trust me as someone who's participated And yet at the same time and this is the Amazing thing the undeniably big topics The ones that will Define our future get Virtually no discussion at all war civil Liberties emerging science demographic Change corporate power natural resources When was the last time you heard a Legitimate debate about any of those Issues it's been a long time debates Like that are not permitted in American Media both political parties and their Donors have reached consensus on what

    Benefits them and they actively collude To shut down any conversation about it Suddenly the United States looks very Much like a one-party state That's a depressing realization but it's Not permanent our current orthodoxies Won't last they're brain dead nobody Actually believes them hardly anyone's Life is improved by them this moment is Too inherently ridiculous to continue And so it won't The people in charge know this that's Why they're hysterical and aggressive They're afraid they've given up Persuasion they're resorting to force But it won't work When honest people say what's true Calmly and without embarrassment they Become powerful at the same time the Liars who've been trying to silence them Shrink and they become weaker that's the Iron law of the universe true things Prevail Where can you still find Americans Saying true things there aren't many Places left but there are some and That's enough As long as you can hear the words there Is hope That is a great uh Hey I'm not dead I haven't disappeared And nobody's shutting me up uh message From Tucker Carlson it would be more Effective if he wasn't such a Nazi right

    Right Right that's the only hole in the Message sound like a Nazi you know he Likes freeways you know who invented the Freeway oh my God yeah yeah oh my gosh It's all coming together now Glenn it's All coming together yeah the tone of That I think is really great you know I Mean I know you know you see that and You see it's that's the happy warrior Type of thing right where like he's not Backing down he's not leaving his Foundations or his principles but he's Also smiling yeah you know and enjoying Life a little bit right well of course You know you're more of that a hundred Million dollars and they say get out and You're not gonna work for it why can't I Find that job I need the job I want that Job right I think everyone should have a Chance at those jobs right a job that Pays you multiple millions of dollars to Not do the job that's the job I want Right I'm sick of doing the job sick of Living in this country that promises all These great things you know you can do It you can achieve when we have to work For our money I want to work a year and Get paid for four yes now we're not Working hard or doing a real job of Course we should know that but still I Still I want no work and lots of money Where's that job low on the work side High on the money side uh I mean I mean

    You could argue we probably already have That job but I want well that's even More low on the work side and high on The money I love that he was in his golf Cart with his wife and they're at his House in Florida and they're zipping Around and they're like he looks so Happy of course Of course he's happy they paid him not To work and it looks like he can work Anyway yeah his family is now set for Generations well you well you don't get That deal I'm here for you I say we Sue All of our company companies so wait a Minute this would work in my no you Don't want them I don't want this we Need to be able to work a year and get Paid for four I'm that's I mean if I'm President That's My slogan it would Probably work in the same Let me ask you you know Tucker about it I mean other than me you know talking to Him briefly in our interviews I've never Talked to Tucker Carlson in my life do You what kind of person is he is he the Person that's going to be happy taking a Giant paycheck and hanging out on the Beach no or is he the type of person Who's going to want to no he's the type Of guy like I I couldn't if some if I Was in his situation then they said hey We're going to pay out your contract I Would say fine but there is there's no Non-compete there's nothing I get to do

    What I want otherwise I'm gonna work for You because I'm gonna honor my contract I could not go on the beach and waste Four years and he's not like that either You see what he's setting up here he's Setting up a different kind of show a Show where he takes big issues and Debates them that's that's where he's Headed yeah looking for something a Little bit more substantial which is Great it is something we really need I I Will say it really connects when he's Talking about that thing where we have These debates and then five years later We don't even remember they happened It's so true we waste so much time on Nonsense it's really really crazy Because when you know all the Conventional wisdom has always been oh Online people want it in three minutes Yeah no more than three minutes explain Joe Rogan Explain this podcast yeah oh yeah I mean People will listen to this podcast every Day for three hours I I mean I don't know how you do it I have to do It but then if I had to listen to it too That'd be six hours of my day and I just Couldn't handle it no matter what they Pay because I'm still working four other Days right that's a lot it's a lot of Work yeah but I mean I really I don't Know how people have the time but They're looking for longer form

    Intelligent Questioning an honest questioning and Look we try to do that every day here Um but I do think that as a society Certainly on cable news You see a lot of this happening where You're just I mean he even said it I've Even participated and of course we have As well like yeah you everybody has But it is something that we could fix You know and I think that many people Want and it's being fixed yeah it is It's sorting itself out Um it's just the it's those damn commies That are trying to prop up the old System that is worthless they say it's About progress no it's not they're Propping up all the old systems