WATCH: Trump Super PAC EXPOSES DeSantis’ Dirty Secret

    WATCH: Trump Super PAC EXPOSES DeSantis' Dirty Secret

    Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is not Who he claims to be a brand new attack Ad has been released by a Super PAC Associated with former president Donald Trump the ad slams desantis's voting Record on Social Security and Medicare Accusing him of cutting funding for Senior citizens multiple times during His career as a politician DeSantis was Once seen as a potential candidate for The 2024 presidential election but this Latest Revelation could change Everything this is just the latest in a Series of attacks by Trump allies Against DeSantis leaving many wondering If he has what it takes to lead America In the right direction I'm Gary franchi I want you to keep up with the latest News tap subscribe and enable Notification Let's try to Super PAC tied to former President Donald Trump has released a New attack and targeting Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis the ad Titled hat is aimed at exposing to Sansa's voting record on Social Security And Medicare accusing him of cutting Funding for seniors multiple times DeSantis was once a rising star on the Republican party but this latest ad from Trump's allies show that his star is Beginning to fade watch This new one looks pretty good really Did you know Ron DeSantis back deep cuts

    To Social Security and Medicare Ronda Santos yeah he voted to cut Social Security or Medicare not once not twice But three times DeSantis even tried to Raise the retirement age to 70. I Thought DeSantis was one of the good Ones but he's just another career Politician America needs Trump make America great Again Inc is responsible for the content Of this advertising oh boy This is part of an ongoing weekly ad by By Trump's allies against the Florida Governor and it's clear they're not Letting up anytime soon since DeSantis Is seen as a potential candidate for the 2024 presidential election this latest Revelation could change everything it's Clear that Trump's allies are hoping That this latest attack on DeSantis will Stick they're using his record on Social Security and Medicare to paint him as Just another career politician who cares More about cutting costs and Helping Seniors senior citizens make up a Significant portion of the voting Population and this could be a fatal Blow to DeSantis political career the Make America great again pack wasted no Time in releasing a statement after the Ad was released they said there is a Reason a majority of Republican voters Think president Trump has the best Chance of beating Joe Biden in the 2024

    Election Rhonda Sanchez views on Social Security and Medicare make him Unelectable So let's say this attack on DeSantis is Sort of Ruffles some feathers within the GOP Trump still holds a significant Amount of influence within the party and Anyone who goes against him could face Some serious consequences Tom will tell This latest attack ad has any real Impact on DeSantis political future but One thing is clear the fight for the Soul the Republican party is still Ongoing and Trump's allies are not Afraid to go after anyone who they Believe is standing in their way Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report I'd Like to ask you a question are Widespread food shortages the next big Thing as far as I can tell it looks like It whenever I look around it seems like Everything is going to come crashing Down at any moment you're ready aren't You are you prepared with at least three Months worth of food stocked up in case Of an emergency well you can find new Lower prices for my Patriot Supply if You tap more below and go to where you'll find New lower prices from my Patriot Supply In addition save two hundred dollars on

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