You Won’t Believe What Makes the Happiest People in America Tick

    You Won't Believe What Makes the Happiest People in America Tick

    Is there a secret ingredient to Happiness that we've been overlooking All these years a new poll has uncovered An astonishing correlation between Happiness levels amongst Americans This Correlation won't surprise many Americans so let's find out the key to Happiness thanks for watching Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker filling in from My YouTube ivoryhacker stay On top of the latest news hit subscribe Below and tell your friends you saw it At Next News the pursuit of happiness is An elusive one and yet something that we All strive towards with the number of Very happy Americans in steep decline It's natural to wonder what the secret To a happy life is according to the Latest survey conducted by Wall Street Journal Nork The answer could very well be religious Belief and practice the Wsjnorc survey polled 1019 adults across The United United States between March 1st and 13th of this year And the results were astonishing for Starters well less than half of U.S Adults say that belief in God is Important the number jumps significantly Among those who describe themselves as Very happy in fact a whopping 68 percent Of respondents who considered themselves Very happy Declared belief in God to be very

    Important to them this is in contrast With just 42 percent of those who are Not too happy furthermore two-thirds of Very happy individuals describe Themselves as very or moderately Religious the correlation between Happiness and religious belief doesn't End there the very happy overwhelmingly Values strong relationships with 67 Percent of respondents saying marriage Is very important to them regardless of Their own marital status this is Compared to just 43 percent of Respondents overall it's clear that Having positive personal relationships Is crucial to happiness and religious Belief seems to play an important role In fostering these relationships in the 45 years between 1970 and 2015 the Percentage of Americans who consider Themselves very happy remained Remarkably stable never exceeding 38 Percent of or dropping below 28 percent This is all changed with the share of Americans calling themselves very happy Dropping to only 12 percent in 2023 the Lowest percentage recorded in the norc General Social Survey since 1972 yikes When it comes to politics the survey Reveals an interesting divide between Democrats and Republicans while 27 Percent of Democrats say that religion Is very important to them Almost double that number 53 percent of

    Self-identified Republicans say the same This could be attributed to the fact That traditionally conservative values Have often been closely linked with Religious beliefs From 38 in 1970 to a record low of just 12 percent in 2023 it is clear that Something has dramatically changed and Needs to change if we want to improve Our Collective well-being well faith in God may not be the answer for everyone The correlation between religious belief And happiness cannot be ignored by Embracing our beliefs and fostering Positive personal relationships we can All take steps towards a happier more Fulfilling life Those who have no faith in anything will Fall for anything let me know your Thoughts let's continue this Conversation in the comments below for Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker Thank you for watching that report you Know there's an epidemic of bad sleep in America an estimated 164 million Americans wake up tossing and turning at Night due to habits such as long work Hours caffeine and stress one study of Over 4 000 adults found that 27 percent Had trouble falling or staying asleep Most nights the problem of poor sleep May be one of the most ignored and Urgent issues of our time now this is a Product I've been using to improve my

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