Ray Epps Comes out of Hiding in BIZARRE ’60 Minutes’ Interview

Those of you who have not yet subscribed To blazetv maybe are watching on YouTube Make sure to uh you know what you can Cheerfully tap that like button today We're hot we're we're I don't know we're In a good mood right now so go you don't Have to do it gently you can do it a Little rough if you want to but make Sure to tap the like button I'm talking About hitting a thumbs up chat I don't Know where your mind went uh make sure That you exactly where my mind subscribe And comment let us know where do you Think Tucker Carlson is going next tell Us in the comments below Um so speaking of Tucker one of the Um main points that Tucker constantly Was making whenever it related to January 6 footage was that we still Don't know why Ray Epps the Marine Veteran Whose actions on January 6th led To claims uh that he may have been Involved a little bit more because we Have raps who is the only Person Seemingly at the protest seemingly in Washington DC at all at the time of the Protest who has somehow uh skated away From any sort of charges being brought On him even though I would argue he has The most uh footage evidence against him Saying things like let's go to the Capitol let's do this I mean actual Evidence if you want to call someone you

Know an Insider he incited the Insurrection that would be the guy that You would hang it all on and somehow Magically he has no charges so we're Like who is rayups is he involved with The FBI the administration constantly Stonewalls this now that we have Constant questions about reyups now 60 Minutes is somehow running a puff Piece about Ray UPS uh you know and Where he goes in and talks about oh well I was a loyal Fox News Watcher but now I Mean I don't know Tucker Carlson is just Obsessed with me and and just trying to Ruin my life I guess I'm I'm the victim Here watch who is Ray Epps That question has animated Fox News host Tucker Carlson for nearly two years Ray Epps He's on video several times encouraging Crimes riots breaches at the Capitol Carlson has focused on Epps more than 20 Times on his top-rated show a half dozen Times so far this year oh he's obsessed With me doesn't he's Going to any means possible to destroy My life at our Lives why To shift blame on somebody else if you Look at it Fox News Marjorie Taylor Green uh-oh Ted Cruz Gates they're all Telling us before this thing that it was Stolen So you tell me Who has more impact on people than or me

Apps once a loyal Fox News Watcher told Us he doesn't understand how he got cast As the villain the Epps version is more Mundane they believed the 2020 election Had been stolen from Donald Trump and Considered January 6 a legitimate Protest it was a sloppy election and Then to top that off you have Talking Heads reporting that there's problems With the voting machines and different Things like that the election stolen so Yeah we had concerns I I wanted to be There I wanted to witness this with my Own eyes Okay so just to be clear because he Really is gaslighting the American People right now Um he he says somehow magically it's Marjorie Taylor Green's fault it's Matt Gates's fault it's it's Tucker Carlson's Fault it's all these other people's Fault for inciting an Insurrection even Though He is the one literally inciting an Insurrection on camera and somehow He's the victim here watch Ray Epps was Never seen committing an act of violence That day or entering the capital Epps Told us when he saw the violence his Fervor to enter the building became a Desire to play Peacemaker [Applause] Oh God Appreciate you guys and police body cam

Video backs him up I thought I could Stop it so I went back and forth I Talked people down and worked the line Back and forth step down step down we're Good here that kind of thing and I kept It that way for quite some time [Music] Epps says he left the capitol grounds to Help evacuate an injured man so the time I'm gonna stop this right here p.m um so Magically the footage that they get Is a bunch of puff piece footage of Ray Epps pretending to play Peacemaker even Though what they're mad about is that he Has been exposed actually saying we got We got to take this to the Capitol we Gotta go in we've got to do it this was Stolen he's amping people up Now all of a sudden he's the victim here And you should feel sorry for him isn't It fascinating that the media has spent Two years demonizing every single person Who was in Washington DC at the time of The protest and calling for them to be Seemingly imprisoned for the rest of Their lives I guess they want the book Thrown at all of these people you have The Q Anon Shaman who they were like he Oh my gosh he was holding a spear no Idiot that was just a flag but you know They want these people throw them away Lock them up throw away the key For all of them but somehow this one Gets to go on 60 Minutes and do an

Exclusive interview and this so happens To be the one that doesn't add up at all That we have all of these questions that By the way have never been answered yeah Well Um and then there's a lot I mean he's got a text message to his Son saying I his nephew his nephew I Mean I orchestrated this he sure did Orchestrate this uh and so It's convenient that they've got these Oh step back step back I was not there for January 6. I was Here in this studio when it all went Down as were you two weeks prior to that I was in Washington DC and a couple of Times prior to January 6 I had made Visits to Washington DC for various Protests I was there I want to see what Was going on but I was not there for January 6. you know how many people over These last three years have criticized Me and said that I was there planning an Insurrection helping people organize for January 6th they've tried to make me go I wasn't even there do you know how many People we know I'm talking to the Viewers and the listeners how many People you and I know that were there People who are in jail to this day Without charge we don't even know where They are being held in confinement in in Maximum security prisons and solitary Confinement we don't even know where

They are and they're over here and he's Going Tucker Carlson's obsessed with me Why By your definition anyone that was there And I'm talking to the rereads on the Left the progressive crazies anybody That was there on January 6 I don't care If you're peeing in the woods or a Homeless person you were part of the Insurrection if you were in Washington DC within a five mile radius of the Capitol you were an insurrectionist okay And now Ray app Ray apps so sometimes I'm getting some kind of free pass and Then you go on Twitter and you see the Same wild-eyed leftist crazy Progressive Nut jobs out there who are have called For everybody to be nothing short of a Guillotine in the streets those people Are defending Ray apps So you have to sit back and go what the Hell is going on because you're willing To completely throw out the script and Flip-flop it for this one guy now ask Yourself critically ask yourself why the Hell is this happening why is it Happening what are they trying to pull Over your eyes because this is deceptive I mean think about it Donald Trump who they claim incited an Insurrection Said go let your voices be heard Peacefully and patriotically he posted It on Twitter and they accuse him of all

Sorts of things he's a traitor he should Be locked up I mean just now they're so Excited about him being indicted and Arrested because they want what they Think is going to be somehow some sort Of Vengeance for the darkest day in Democracy's history That's how much they care about inciting An Insurrection yeah Ray Epps is like Yeah hey bud I orchestrated it I told People to go there and he's given a pass Because he claims oh well I meant I just Directed people to the capital so no Nobody else gets that excuse so ask Yourself why ask yourself why the Mainstream media now is willing to the The man who Have has the most evidence against him That he instigated this said himself he Instigated it now all of a sudden is is Having the media do puff pieces making Her making you feel sorry for him There's only one reason that makes sense One only one that's right that's right And CBS is going to show you the clips Of him walking by going hey you don't Want to get hurt they don't want to get Hurt let's keep everybody they just Happen to have the camera there filming Him deep in the piece almost like a fed You know and then he at a strategic Moment before the capital was breached He had to leave to take care of an Injured person

Amazingly convenient see this is why we Are accused of being conspiracy Theorists because when you put this kind Of crap out there and it doesn't map out By the syllogism in my head and Philosophically you can't make you know Two or two equal four and then you Happen to have the cameras there in 60 Minutes is going to run a little story Like this you have to fill in the gaps Somewhere and be like this doesn't make Sense it doesn't line up right well I Mean I just like to say operation Mockingbird is Alive and Well in 2023 Clearly if you don't know what that is Look it up if you like that clip there Is plenty more where that came from Click the link in the description below To subscribe to the news and why it Matters YouTube channel to watch the Full episode