Viewers revolt: Rachel Maddow beats Sean Hannity in ratings as Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News

    Viewers revolt: Rachel Maddow beats Sean Hannity in ratings as Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News

    What happens when one of the top anchors At Fox News suddenly disappears viewers Were shocked when Tucker Carlson was Abruptly fired and now the network is Facing a major crisis ratings have Plummeted and other networks are Stepping in to take the lead but what Caused Carlson's firing and what will Happen next for Fox News the situation Is shrouded in mystery and viewers are Left with more questions and answers in This report we'll dive into the details Of the stunning turn of events and Examine what it could mean for the Future of the network stay tuned for the Full story I'm Gary franchi and I want You to stay up to date with the latest News Tap subscribe below and enable Notifications Fox News known for its conservative Programming is facing declining ratings After the abrupt firing of one of its Top anchors Tucker Carlson viewers were Quick to react with ratings dropping by 21 in the prime time slot that Carlson Used to host in this report will dive Into the details of the ratings drop and Examine how other networks are faring in The wake of Carlson's departure Now Fox News announced on Monday that Tucker Carlson was no longer with the Network and that rating rotating hosts Would fill his spot Brian Kilmeade took

    The first show but viewers apparently Were not curious enough about the Program to tune in with ratings dropping From 3.2 million to 2.6 million viewers Despite this fox still won the Competition for average Prime Time Viewers with 2.35 million against 1.97 Million for MSNBC However MSNBC won the race for viewers In the coveted 25 to 54 age group with 247 thousand viewers to Fox's 245 000 views The Hollywood Reporter noted that Newsmax seemed to be the biggest gainer From Fox loss Newsmax 8 PM offering Eric Bolling the balance attracted 531 Thousand viewers while it's 9 p.m show Greg Kelly reports attracted 540 000. This was roughly three times the Averages for these shows bowling show Average 145 000 viewers during the first Quarter of the year in Kelly average 141 Thousand Fox's 8 P.M time slot ratings were 21 Lower than Carlson's average slot the Last eight Mondays and fox substitute Show was 37 lower in the ratings than What Carlson achieved in that time Particularly among viewers in the 25 to 54 demo Fox's declining ratings Following Carlson's departure isn't the Only concern for the network the Company's stock price also tumbled 5.4 Percent after the announcement of his

    Ouster the reasons behind Carlson's Firing remain unclear as neither Fox News nor Carlson has offered any details Well Fox News is facing challenges Without Carlson other networks are Benefiting MSNBC won the 9 pm time slot As Sean Hannity's 2.5 million viewers Were eclipsed by the 2.7 million who Tuned in to see Rachel Maddow Newsmax a conservative media outlet has Gained viewership following Fox News Decline as well In conclusion Fox news ratings have Taken a hit following the abrupt firing Of Tucker Carlson one of the Network's Top anchors viewers seem to have reacted Negatively to the Network's decision With ratings dropping by 21 in the prime Time slot other networks such as MSNBC And Newsmax are benefiting from Fox News Decline stay tuned for more breaking News and follow next news for the latest Updates Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report if You started to notice that wrinkles Fine Lines bags under your eyes or other Typical signs of aging are appearing More and more frequently in her face While it may not be the result of the Stress of the New Year the presence of Wrinkles and other signs of aging are

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