Trans Father FAILS Daughter

Trans Father FAILS Daughter

No reason why a trans woman couldn't be A father I'm still her father I'm just a Woman and a dad if my dad had never Transitioned I probably would not have Come out my boobs are a 42 Double J There are always haters I'm not dressing This way to blend in I sometimes wonder If I want to go bigger Conversation about how many trans women Are actually just men who enjoy living Out a sick perverted fetish by dressing Like a woman in public because clearly This person counts toward that and some People will say oh when it comes to Trans adults Live and Let Live you do You it's like I disagree okay you do not Get to you do you live and Let Live when You have a child your first Responsibility is to the child and this Daughter deserved a father not whatever This person is pretending to be and Clearly there's grooming at play here Which has caused her to come out as I Don't even know what I mean what are the Chances two LGBT family members