Chicago Residents Fight Back Against Teen Mobs with Amber Alert Style System!

    Chicago Residents Fight Back Against Teen Mobs with Amber Alert Style System!

    Just how much our teens in Chicago Running rampant and causing chaos Recently a local group is making a bold Move to take action and deter this Troublesome Behavior could an amber Alert style system be the answer to Curbing teen mob activity thanks for Watching Next News Network I'm Ivory Hacker filling in from my YouTube Ivory Hecker you want the Top news every day hit subscribe below And turn on your notifications Before I get to that report you know Mike Lindell he's the my pillow Maven Who can't be stopped while keeping Americans comfortable he fights for the Truth now next News network is bringing You the best sleep ever with my pillow You'll fall asleep faster stay asleep Longer and with the Giza dream sheets That I have on mine with the mattress Topper you will be in heaven use promo Code nnn for up to 66 off at by tapping more below This video now back to the news Well Tina mob activity has become an Increasingly dangerous problem in Chicago the city's streets have seen an Alarming rise in violence and criminal Behavior which has put the safety of Citizens at risk to address this issue a Local group is proposing a resolution uh They want to do a Amber Alert style System this system would aim to deter

    Teen mob activities and help keep Citizens safe the proposed Amber Alert Style system would involve the Installation of flashing lights and Sirens in areas where teen mob activity Has been reported whenever an incident Of teen mob activities reported the Lights and Sirens would be triggered and Police would get notified this would Alert bystanders to the potential danger And give the police the chance to Intervene the system would also be Accompanied by an app that citizens Could use to report any suspicious Activity citizens would be able to Provide their location and the police Would be alerted the app would also Include a panic button that would notify The police of any emergency take a look Yeah guys Community organizations now Stepping up doing their part of what They can to help stop those teen Takeovers like we saw in downtown Chicago last weekend one idea now is Kind of an amber alert text system for Parents to let them know what is going On this is video of course from last Saturday from downtown when a large Group of young people gathered there Were injuries two people were shot Property was damaged now the group I'm Telling don't shoot is partnering with Chicago Police to give parents a heads Up that something might be happening

    Early Walker Compares this initiative to The Amber Alert System Everybody in here probably has a phone In their pocket right now you know so if You get a text right now you're going to Get the tax and you're going to say okay Let me check let me call my kids to make Sure they're not there and maybe even See if they know of any of their friends That might have been there but now they Can call their friends and say hey uh Such and such might be down here you Guys might want to check it out so it's Really more or less trying to bring the Community together to work together [Music] All right so that's what it is and Here's how it works it just text Chicago Kids to 21 000 right after you do that early says That you'll get some sort of Welcome Text to let you know that you've signed Up and then Well in addition to the flashing lights And Sirens the system would also use Social media to spread awareness of the Situation and encourage citizens to stay Safe the goal is to prevent any further Incidents of teen mob activity by Raising awareness of the situation and Encouraging citizens to take action to Help keep the city safe the Amber Alert Style system proposed by the local group Is a shining example of the need for

    Strong conservative leadership in Chicago with flashing lights sirens and An app to report suspicious activity the System of teen mob activity and for the Helping to maintain Law and Order In The City only through a committed Uh conservative values and the promotion Of Safety and Security can the citizens Of Chicago expect to remain safe and Secure Lori Lightfoot is out so we'll See if that helps let me know your Thoughts let's continue this Conversation in the comments below for Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker Thank you for watching that report There's no stopping the my pillow Maven Mike Lindell who will not be deterred by Liberal lies he's been at the Forefront Of the fight for Truth for years while Making sure that Americans remain Comfortable while they sleep the next News network is now partnering with him In order to provide you with the best Sleep of your life the patented Interlocking fill part of my pillow is Designed to adapt to your individual Sleeping position regardless of whether You're lying on your back your side or Your stomach as a result the Innovative Fill then holds its position all night Making it easier for you to fall asleep Quicker and stay asleep longer and Imagine pairing that like I did with the Giza dream sheets and the mattress

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