Unbelievable: Pelosi’s Texting Scandal Rocks Washington, Violated Federal Law

    Unbelievable: Pelosi's Texting Scandal Rocks Washington, Violated Federal Law

    Is Nancy Pelosi involved in a massive Scandal well our conservative news team Has uncovered shocking details about her Violation of federal robocalling laws And her controversial comments about Former president Donald Trump you won't Believe what we found stay tuned to Discover the truth I'm Gary franci I Want to keep up with the latest news and Subscribe to Next News below to stay Informed on all the breaking stories From Washington and Beyond Nancy Pelosi former speaker of the house Has been caught violating federal Robocalling laws and has settled with an Illinois man for seven thousand five Hundred dollars her recent comments About former president Donald Trump have Also been criticized by legal experts And conservatives Pelosi's conduct is Just one example of the left's blatant Disregard for the law and the Constitution the Democrat Party has a History of corruption and abusive power Including Hillary Clinton's email Scandal and Joe Biden's questionable Dealings with Ukraine as a conservative News Outlet we believe it's our duty to Report the truth and expose corruption Wherever it exists our investigation has Revealed that Pelosi's conduct is just The tip of the iceberg the left sustain For the Constitution is evident in their Attempts to pack the Supreme Court and

    Abolish the Electoral College these Efforts to undermine our Democratic and Republic institutions are a threat to Our democracy and Must Be Stopped the Lawsuit filed by Jorge Rojas a Bowling Brook resident alleged that he received 21 text messages from Pelosi's campaign Despite being on the Do Not Call Registry the messages were sent between November of 2021 and July of 2022. Rojas Had previously registered on the list to Obtain Solitude from invasive and Harassing telemarketing calls but he Still received the text messages the Lawsuit claimed that Pelosi's campaign Had violated the telephone consumer Protection act of 1991 which applies to Both calls and text messages the ACT Which restricts robocalling and requires Telemarketers to avoid calling people Who've registered themselves on the Do Not Call Registry Rojas lawsuit sought a Minimum of 31 500 in Damages from Pelosi's campaign including 1500 for Each text message that he received However Rojas moved to dismiss the Lawsuit in February a few months after He filed it according to a federal Campaign Finance disclosure Rojas Received a 7 500 payment marking Settlement from Pelosi's Congressional Campaign following which he dropped the Lawsuit however the settlement doesn't Preclude Pelosi from facing further or

    Further legal or political backlash for Violating federal law Pelosi's latest Legal troubles come after she made Headlines last month for her Inappropriate tweet about former President Trump's indictment by Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg Pelosi tweeted the grand jury has acted Upon the facts in the law no one is Above the law and everyone has the right To a trial to prove innocence hopefully The former president will peacefully Respect the system which grants him that Right However this tweet brought her public Embarrassment and a fact check from the Social media platform Twitter which Added context about how the presumption Of innocence works in the United States Pelosi's tweet showed her ignorance of The fundamentals of American Law related To criminal trials law in the U.S Assumes the innocence of an accused Person and it's the prosecution's Responsibility to prove guilt to secure A conviction the right to prove Innocence which Pelosi mentioned in her Tweet doesn't exist in the American Legal system and her fellow Republicans And conservative commentators were quick To call her out for it Lee zeldon a former Republican candidate For the governor of New York called Pelosi dead wrong and criticize her for

    Not understanding the basics of the American legal system similarly Republican Missouri Senator Josh Hawley Pointed out that Pelosi's tweet was Factually incorrect and betrayed her Ignorance of the American legal system But the criticism didn't stop there many Other conservative commentators Including Rudy Giuliani and Fox News Host Mark Levin called Pelosi out for Her apparent ignorance of the Fundamentals of American law Giuliani Called her a for implying that Trump had to prove his innocence in Court while Levin likened her comments To those made by Joseph Stalin In conclusion Nancy Pelosi has paid Seven thousand five hundred dollars in Settlement to an Illinois resident who Accused her campaign of violating the Telephone consumer protection act Pelosi's campaign had sent 21 text Messages to the resident who was already On the Do Not Call Registry these recent Events show the extent to which Pelosi And her campaign are willing to Disregard federal law and the rights of American citizens furthermore Pelosi's Tweet about Trump's indictment shows her Lack of understanding of fundamental American legal principles which should Be concerning to all Americans Yes she's been caught in violating Federal law and now she's faced the

    Consequences let's continue the Conversation in the comments below for The next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report I'd Like to ask you a question are Widespread food shortages the next big Thing as far as I can tell it looks like It whenever I look around it seems like Everything is going to come crashing Down at any moment you're ready aren't You are you prepared with at least three Months worth of food stocked up in case Of an emergency well you can find new Lower prices for my Patriot Supply if You tap more below and go to Preparewithgary.com where you'll find New lower prices from my Patriot Supply In addition save 200 on a three-month Emergency food kit and get free shipping As well there's enough food in this kit To nourish one person for a solid three Months the kit includes breakfast Lunches dinners drinks and snacks it Provides you with 2 000 calories a day Which will keep you full and satisfied Throughout the day now is the perfect Time for you to save two hundred dollars On our prepare with gary.com kit the Kits will be shipped to you fast and Free of charge that's prepared with Gary.com we'll see you the next report For the next News Network I'm Gary Franchi You possess the power to impact the

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