That piece of legislation is cruel and So they need to really uh make sure that They that we don't go into default and That's what they're asking to do they're Asking to hold our hold our economy Hostage and go into default Um I think the pool has to gather Oh oh it's open press okay all right Well I guess you guys can go gather if you Choose to do real quick um Kevin McCarthy now that he has released His gallons of his of his plan on the Debt limit uh why is now that I'm Professor to actually speak to the Speaker and to get substantive Negotiations Um so here's the thing Um Um look we've been very clear we're not Going to negotiate over uh or over Avoiding default we've been very clear About that uh we uh the administration Is going to have a conversation with Leaders over the budget over the Spending cuts we've been very clear About that uh and uh we've been we have Said that from the beginning from the Beginning of this process that look We'll we'll have that conversation but When it comes to default uh when it Comes to their constitutional Duty that Is something that they can do today they Can actually deal with something that

    Would be uh devastating if they didn't Take action right Um now when it comes to what we have Seen them put forward 22 cut on Education on Veterans on Meals on Wheels On food safety on law enforcement all of Those things are devastating to workers Seniors to our children to Working Families and clearly they showed us what Their value were but what they have done Is they have put those two things Together the the um uh debt ceiling and Spending cuts and we have always been Very clear Zeke we have been very very Clear we are not going to negotiate when It comes to the full faith and credit of This nation and they are holding that Hostage currently they are holding the Economy hostage and so look they have to They have to we're not negotiating over That and they have to avoid default it's Very clear it's very clear they need to Uh they need to make sure that we're not Put in a situation uh where our our Economy could be put at risk and again Been very clear about that got Joe uh Yeah thanks Korean I want to follow up On what the seek asks Fair uh Senator Klobuchar uh on CNN yesterday said the President Biden should sit down and Negotiate with the speaker on the budget But also made clear that the spending Cuts and uh you know should not be tied To the debt ceiling and so when

    President Biden sit down with McCarthy To debate to negotiate their their Different budget proposals or The House Republicans position is unless The president and the Senate agree to Their entire agenda that they're going To default and crash the economy and and That is dangerous that is something that We're going to continue to call out and It is unreasonable to do We have been very clear there will not Be any negotiation around deep around The debt ceiling right this is something That is their constitutional duty to do They've done it three times you've heard Me say it over and over again they did It three times in the last Administration and they should do it now And look you know every every Republican That votes for this bill that speaker McCarthy and mega Republicans have put Forth they're voting for cutting cutting Costs on Veterans they're voting for Cutting costs on education I just laid Out at the top of the briefing what that Would mean sixty thousand I've mentioned Sixty thousand teachers I mentioned how Many how many uh kids it would affect And so that's what they would be voting For against those things that American Families need and we're talking about Programs that they need to meet ends Meet and so we've been very very clear It is unreasonable to put forth what

    They did last week it is cool that piece Of legislation is cruel and so they need To really uh make sure that they that we Don't go into default and that's what They're asking to do they're asking to Hold our hold our economy hostage and go Into default and that's something that We're going to continue to call out last Week you didn't seem to rule out the Possibility though of President Biden Sitting down with McCarthy at some point Is that something you're open to so look Again House Republicans must avoid Default been very clear uh and that is Within their power to do at any moment That is within their power to do at any Moment and so that's where we're Expecting them to see