WATCH: Stunned Republicans REACT to Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    WATCH: Stunned Republicans REACT to Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News

    So Tucker Crossing was sitting here two Weeks ago interviewing you he's gone What do you make of that well I'm Shocked I'm surprised he's a very good Person a very good man and very talented As you know and he had very high ratings So We're just learning about it almost as We speak You and I just said wow that was Something that's a big one uh I don't Know if it was voluntary or was it Somebody fired but I think Tucker's been Terrific he's been especially over the Last year so he's been terrific to me Folks I got to tell you I've got like a Actual Goosebumps here There are very rare moments in the show And I have to stop the show completely Especially in a live chat not stop the Show but Apparently Tucker Carlson and fox are Done I I'm reading it right here that that Just broke I mean it's the benefit of a Live show I'm Mike stunn I'm stunned I don't even know what to Say right now I'm like I don't even know How I'm gonna get back to that segment Um Fox News and Tucker Carlson have agreed To part ways We thank him for his service his last

    Program was Friday April 21st is this What Wow I mean I got six texts here from people Holy Moses I gotta give you some breaking news uh Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News Wow wow Holy crap just broke uh his and it's the Way it's phrased is his last program Was Friday April 21st wow So no goodbye show no hey this is why This is happening Just bye-bye I think that'll kill Fox I I really do I I know so many people that you know Still kind of like Fox and they watch The other shows but they're like Tuckers Tucker is the only one That I really trust you lose Tucker Carlson I I think that really kills them He was not the reason for that 800 Million dollar settlement Um so what do they do now in the wake of That settlement They get rid of Tucker Talk about misjudging your audience yet Again Yet again because Trust me I hear from the Fox News Audience all the time with whom I still Have great relationships many many many Viewers are now my fans on this show And he's the only reason they watch a

    Lot of them Tucker's the only reason a Lot of people still watch Fox News with Respect to my other colleagues there I'm Saying he's their favorite Tucker is Really the reason to to watch Fox uh With this I don't know why anybody needs To watch anything on the Murdoch Empire Because Tucker was the Mainstay of the Uh the populist voice over uh Fox and Just this is Blockbuster news uh Tucker's announced he's leaving it not Just after the last show was Friday Night so tonight they're going to Replace it with I don't know Fox News Tonight or something but no Tucker Carlson we were just told literally in The last minute that Tucker Carlson is Leaving Fox News Now Dan bongino left Fox News last week now Tucker apparently Is leaving do we have any more info I Guess we'll we'll get some more info uh But it's a it's a I mean this is a game There we go Tucker Carlson out at Fox News it seems difficult to believe but Tucker Carlson is no longer with Fox News the announcement was confirmed by The network this morning I mean this is Massive massive you gotta understand Guys Tucker Carlson Is the number one rated host in the History of cable news the absolute History of cable news Tucker Carlson out At Fox News your reaction I mean I think it changes things

    Permanently that's one of the few voices In the in the Republican party that Would call out the nonsense uh from GOP Senators Governors and otherwise uh you Know an actual thought leader uh in Conservatism and you know the whole Thing is it's it's actually mind-blowing To me and I guess uh and to everyone Else given what you've seen happened at Fox's market cap in the last few hours So one billion dollars whatever he does He continues to be that voice for Conservatism because again he's one of The few people pushing those boundaries One of the few people uh you know Actually speaking to Independence and Across the aisle uh and winning them Over with facts logic and reason uh I Think he's probably you know a a once in A generation type talent and to see him Go is is mind-boggling this will have a Tremendous effect On the future of the Fox News Channel no Doubt about that but more importantly on Republican politics In the 2024 presidential election Because the Republican Party most of it Paid attention to Tucker cross I mean This just literally came out Uh what a half not even a half hour ago Maybe 20 minutes ago And I don't know no one has said why or Anything like that it is a really odd Situation

    Because he was The top show at Fox the top show not Just the top show at Fox but when you Break down those day parts and you look At those those specific you know you you Look at morning afternoon and evening And then you break your evening down he Was like top on TV That is significant I mean ads on his Show went for an astronomical amount of Money because it's a very expensive to Run commercials on Fox it's one of the Most expensive networks on which to run A commercial you would fall over And that's a lot of because those rates Are going to go down for that hour holy Cow