OMG! John Fetterman Flies Controversial Flag, Uproar Ensues!

    OMG! John Fetterman Flies Controversial Flag, Uproar Ensues!

    Pennsylvania Senator John fetterman is Receiving back last year again for his Controversial Behavior this time Fetterman posted a photo on social media Holding what can only be described as a Interesting flag betterman's actions Only added his already controversial Reputation leaving many wondering if He's fit to hold a position in Government I'm Gary franchio and you Keep up with latest news tap subscribe And enable your notifications Before I get to that report jump start Your New Year resolution with this Amazing keto powder you can benefit from Many of the weight management benefits Of ketosis without having to restrict Carbs or experience the infamous keto Flu if you want to experience the same Amazing effects that I did I use it Every day in my protein shakes I want You to try it too go to keto with to get your bag for 51 off plus Receive several free bonuses before the Sale ends and look your best this year By clicking on more below the video now Back to the news John fetterman continues pushing the Limits with his latest controversial Move he posted a picture holding a 420 Flag which is a symbol often associated With marijuana legalization he posted it To social media leading to a firestorm Of criticism for conservatives veterans

    Been announced spoken advocate for Marijuana legalization but many feel his Latest move pushes the envelope too far Many feel that his actions demonstrate An unacceptable lack of judgment on Behalf of the Pennsylvania Senator while Some are calling on lawmakers take Swift Swift action against this inappropriate Display others are demanding that he Apologized for promoting drug use at Such a high level in our government Offices one Twitter user wrote you're Encouraging a federal crime seems on Brand actually Another wrote the position of a senator Is supposed to be one of the most Well-respected honorable positions in The country we've gone so far downhill That has been reduced to a vegetable Wearing basketball shorts holding a Banner encouraging drug use pathetic and Another tweeted you're a sitting U.S Center flagrantly promoting drug use is Pretty disgusting for someone in your Position Fetterman's stance on marijuana Legalization Falls in line with the Opinions of the rest of his party However Americans are constantly Discouraged by the consistent lack of Judgment displayed by elected officials At all levels when dealing with matters Concerning drug policies especially Those which might have an effect on

    Younger Generations who could become Susceptible to peer pressure or abuse Drugs solely because their role models Did so in public settings without Reprimand or censure from government Officials furthermore some argue that Allowing recreational marijuana in Certain areas could lead to criminal Activity such as illegal distribution Networks or black market sales both Scenarios would ultimately have negative Effects on public safety and even result In higher levels of crime across Countries counties Nationwide Due to increased availability if Regulated incorrectly The backlash towards John fetterman's Pro-marijana stance continues to grow Exponentially among conservatives across The U.S yet despite all the criticism He's not issued any type of apology from Pushing forward with this Pro-recreational cannabis legalization Stance veterans recent actions continue To prove that he's far from fit to hold A position of public trust and the flag He probably displayed on social media Demonstrates a blatant disregard for the Law and American values marijuana may be Illegal in some states but it's still Illegal at the federal level veterans Promotion of drug use only shows his Lack of respect for the rule of law and His constituents it's time for

    Pennsylvania's lieutenant governor to be Held a former lieutenant governor be Held accountable for his actions and for The citizens of the state to demand Better representation representation From their elected officials let's Continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thanks for watching that report and the Latest survey of Americans nearly half Of them also selected eating healthier Exercising more or losing weight as Their primary goal in the near future in Spite of the fact that 9 out of 10 People who make resolutions are Confident they'll stick to them nearly 80 percent of them are likely to fail to Accomplish them in order to jump start Your New Year resolutions I recommend Starting with this amazing keto powder As one of the easiest ways to help you Achieve your goals regardless of where You are on your health Journey you can Reap the benefits of being in ketosis For weight loss no matter where you are The time is right for you to go to keto With to get your bag that's Keto with simply click more to Find the link below to get yours in Addition to saving 51 percent you'll Also receive several bonuses to help you Take control of your health in the new Year so make sure you take advantage of

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