Okay so the verdict definitely seems to Be in on this one uh trans women have Periods and that fills me with great Relief because that was really scary Pain that I've never experienced before In my life the the gut wrenching but it Also fills me with quite a lot of Empathy for women who have dealt with This their entire lives because I never Could have fathomed that period pain was That bad so good on you guys for Living I hope you guys have a nice day okay This is why it's so important for us to Stick to biological truths no sex is not A spectrum and no males men cannot get Periods I don't know what this person as A trans woman experienced but it was not A period if you are a trans woman and You experience bleeding in your nether Regions go seek help go to a hospital go To the emergency room because that is Not normal and yeah periods are just one Of the many things that biological Females experience and go through that You as a trans woman will never know
Men CANNOT Have Periods!