Morgan Freeman Drops TRUTH Bomb

    Morgan Freeman Drops TRUTH Bomb

    Morgan Freeman I I've seen this clip You've probably seen this clip too Um we've got the clip of it I want to Play it this goes all the way back to 2005. uh this is when they he was asked About Black history month and I don't think They were ready for his response play The clip Black History Month you find ridiculous Ridiculous you're gonna relegate my History to a month oh come on what do You do with yours Which month is life history am I Well come on tell me well I'm Jewish Okay which month is Jewish History Month Uh there isn't one oh Oh why not yeah do you want one no no no I I I don't either I don't want a Black History Month Black history is American history How are we going to get rid of racism Talking about it I'm gonna stop calling you a white man Yeah and I'm going to ask you to stop Calling me a black man I know you as Mike Wallace you know me As Morgan Freeman Stop talking about it I mean there's Some common sense now again I talked About what I talked about in Chicago a Minute ago where you know again you have Throngs of black youth that are you know

    Just destroying the streets attacking People and everything else and people Say well that's not racism that's just Hate no that's it's still racism I mean It's it's a very targeted deal Um stop talking about I mean I thought Racism was over when Obama got elected I Thought he was going to fix all of that Thing I mean suffice it to say that Barack Obama set us back 70 years in Race relations in America but Um and not to mention make you hate law Enforcement and everything else uh make You hate the country makes you hate Patriotism it made people like Seth Meyers grown and Grunt and sigh on an Elevator because he saw red white and Blue on a white T-shirt Um Stop talking about it I mean I thought Racism was over whenever uh Colin Kaepernick knelt down I thought it was Over when the football stadium started Putting end racism on the back of the End zone uh I I thought we were done With all of this kind of stuff but Apparently not Um we're still talking about it We're not doing what Morgan said do so Here's a clip there's another flashback From 2014 Morgan Freeman play that clip Do you think that race plays a part in Wealth distribution or either a mindset That you can't yeah no you don't no I

    Don't I know you and I we're proof why Would race have anything to do with it Stick put your mind to what you want to Do and go for that Uh it's kind of like religion to me It's a good excuse for not getting there Yeah you know I said and it's probably Getting me in trouble but I said to some Of my colleagues recently said so I know That it's an issue but I've been it Seems like every single day on Television I'm talking about race and It's because of the news cycle it's in The news but sometimes I get so tired of Talking about it I want to I want to Just go this is over can we move on and If you talk about it it exists right Yeah it's not like it exists and we'd Refuse to talk about it But making it a bigger issue than it Needs to be is problem we have Um still talking about it and I mean That was 2000 that was 2014. and yet We're still talking about it again that That was prior to Donald Trump being President of the United States uh and Yet we're still talking about it I mean It's constant uh when Joe Biden who is The president of the United States uh it Was the nominee for the Democrat Party He said we're going to pick a woman of Color that that was the only Qualifications that he came up with for Uh determining who was going to be the

    Vice president of the United States Going to be a female a woman of color uh Which I again I don't understand if you Can't Define what a female is or what a Woman is these days I don't know how you Can Define what color is anymore Everything is all subjective right none Of that should make any sense but this Is the clown World we're living in this Is what I mean when we're confused we Can't stop talking about it because we Love to stir the hate pot we love to Stir the crowd wrap up and and I don't Know man I I just don't think that by And large most people most people in America you just can't convince me that What's happening in the cities and Things like that that I see that are Just oppressive and truly demonic and You and by the way racism is demonic if You've got a theistic worldview at all If you believe in God if you believe in A in a Creator or a designer then you Have to by the very nature of that Confession confess that there's we're Living in a spiritual world and there Are good spirits of light and there are Evil spirits of dark and those evil Spirits of dark love to perpetuate Things like hate and racism and violence And murder and you know animosity and Man saying Humanity to man and that's The world we're living in but again will We ever stop talking about it

    Well no because we still have people who Make a lot of money off of it I mean my God these stories are coming out almost Weekly if not monthly Um about the BLM people who you know Either paid somebody funnel money to a Family member or a husband or bought Mansions or all these things I mean There's big business in racism right There's big business there's a lot of Money in hate And they you think you think that people Like me or people that are you know of Conservative mindset you think that People like us are the ones who are Stirring it up I I don't know about you But I've never I haven't made a dime off Of racism but the Al sharptons and the Jesse Jacksons have the Barack Obamas Have and Michelle Obama's have I mean my Lord they've they're worth what 130 140 Million Since taking the presidency Um that that's there's some money Somewhere coming in there I mean I think They've proliferated quite honestly off Their skin color Um and and continuing to perpetuate Race-hate relations Um here we are stop talking about it Stop talking about it but we can't can't We just like this you know just like um All the other crap that's being Bombarded and occupying our time I mean

    You know they might push a button and Nuke all of us here in the next three Weeks we don't know but we're going to Be worried about the wrong things when It happens