Conservative Outrage: Hageman Demands Blinken Testify Under Oath on Hunter Biden Laptop Cover-Up

    Conservative Outrage: Hageman Demands Blinken Testify Under Oath on Hunter Biden Laptop Cover-Up

    You have people at the very high in the Very highest position in this Administration that are 100 corrupt the Heat is turning up after we reported Biden's top Diplomat Anthony blanken Getting caught red-handed in a scandal That involves none other than Hunter Biden's Infamous laptop from Hell Reports are now emerging that there Might have been a cover-up and the Details are leaving conservatives in Disbelief could this be the Smoking Gun That finally takes down the bite Administration well certainly looking That way and people are calling for an Urgent Congressional investigation to Get to the bottom of it stay tuned Because this is a story that is far from Over I'm Gary franchi only to keep up With the latest news tap subscribe and Enable your notifications In the lead up to the 2020 presidential Election of scandals surrounding Hunter Biden's laptop erupted causing concern Among conservatives who believe the Stories being circulated were true However a letter signed by 51 current And former intelligence officials was Was released in October of 2020 Discrediting the hunter Biden laptop Story is Russian disinformation but now A shocking Revelation has emerged that May change everything former CIA Official Michael Morrell has come out

    And testified that the letter was Influenced by President Biden's Secretary of State Anthony blinken as a Result Republican representative Harriet Hageman has called for blinken to appear Before a congressional committee to Answer questions about his role in the Cover-up listen We had a letter that was sent and signed By Jim Jordan Congressman Jordan and Michael Turner who's the chairman of the Permanent select committee on Intelligence on April 20th they sent a Letter to Anthony blinken demanding that He produced information related to this Entire scheme that was cooked up to try To cover up the hunter Biden situation And so hopefully we will be getting that Documents that we have requested that They be provided immediately but no Later than May 4th I assume they're Going to do everything in their power to Try to block this well he better he Needs to we have we either Judiciary or The weaponization committee we need to Find out what happened here and we need To find out to what extent he is Compromised because again as Secretary Of State his obligation in office to the United States and the American citizens Yet we know from what he did in covering Up that that 100 Biden laptop that thing Is horrible the photographs his in the The illegal Behavior the information

    Demonstrate trading that money was going Directly to Biden when he was the vice President of the United States those Things are shocking revelations and Anthony blinken was covering the mock so Yes timeline I can't answer that Jim Jordan can answer that but what I will Tell you is that this is hot we're not Going to let it go this stuff needs to Be exposed Sunshine is the best Disinfectant we have got to let the American people know what kind of folks Are running this Administration back Here in Washington D.C because frankly We cannot take four more years of Joe Biden we certainly can't The recent Revelation about blinken's Alleged involvement in the hunter Biden Laptop scandalous and shockwaves through The conservative world the fact that Such a high-ranking official may have Conspired to cover up a potential Scandal is a serious issue that needs to Be investigated as a former advisor on The Biden campaign Lincoln's involvement In such a cover-up could have dire Consequences for the Biden Administration she went deeper into the Scandal on Newsmax watch Whether there were laws that were broken But what I think that this represents is Just a level of corruption that we're Dealing with in Washington DC and with This particular Administration I think

    One of the things that's so troubling For me about Lincoln is he is the Secretary of State and when he took that Position and and took the oath that he Did and swore to uphold the laws of the United States in the Constitution he Knew that the gentleman that he was Going to work for was totally and Completely corrupt and had been Compromised by Foreign governments Through the activities of his son so We've got a situation where one of the Very top people in this Administration Has knowledge about the president was Willing to cover it up was willing to Get other people involved in covering it Up and now we're in a situation where We're asking questions such as why are They allowing a Chinese balloon to cross The entirety of the United States why Are they willing to enter into a nuclear Deal with Iran why are they willing to What why are they spending over a Hundred billion dollars to Ukraine with No accountability and and and no um no Accounting for it so you've got to ask a Lot of questions about to what extent Are foreign policy is being dictated by The corruption of the Biden crime family But you also have to understand that our Secretary of state is right in the Middle of it Foreign Ohio Republican represents Jim Jordan

    And Mike Turner recently revealed that Former CIA deputy director Mike Morrell Testified before Congress that blinken Contacted him regarding the hunter Biden Laptop story leading to the crafting of A letter signed by 50 other former Intelligence officials claiming the Story was Russian disinformation this is A serious claim that could have Far-reaching consequences for blinken And the administration if proven true as A result of these shocking revelations Republican representative Harriet Hageman has called for a congressional Investigation into blinken's alleged Involvement in the cover-up Hageman who Sits on the select subcommittee on the Weaponization of the federal government Stated that Lincoln should comply with Every request or risk betraying his oath Of office it's not just Hageman who is Calling for an investigation either The Wider conservative communities outraged The potential cover-up and his demanding Answers the hunter Biden laptop Scandal Is a story that's been floating around For some time and the fact that it may Have been deliberately discredited is a Serious issue while the mainstream media Has largely ignored the Scandal it's Attracted widespread attention from Conservative outlets and is likely to Become a major talking point in the Coming weeks as the investigation

    Unfolds we can expect to see more Revelations emerge possibly damaging the Reputation and credibility of the bide Administration The hunter Biden laptop Scandal has Taken a new twist with allegations of a Cover-up involving high-ranking Officials emerging the involvement of Biden's Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has sent shockwaves throughout Washington D.C prompting calls for an Investigation while the mainstream media Has largely ignored the story it's Likely to become more of a topic of Conversation in conservative circles as We wait for further details to emerge The outcome of the investigation could a Far-reaching implications for the by Administration one thing is for sure This story is far from over Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report There's a war and a recession cracks Will appear soon and guess who's going To be hit the hardest that's right you The situation will only get worse so you Must protect yourself and your family And you can get help from Noble gold Investments you can't afford to lose Your savings and investment because of Wars tariffs and sanctions gold and Silver from Noble gold Investments are

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