NRCC Takes Aim at Democrats Opposing Job-Saving Energy Bill

    NRCC Takes Aim at Democrats Opposing Job-Saving Energy Bill

    The recent rejection of an energy Package by certain Democrat members has Sent shock waves to the industry leaving Countless jobs in communities hanging in The balance the national Republican Congressional committee the nrcc has Taken aim at these politicians who've Seemingly sacrificed the livelihoods of Hard-working Americans for purely Political gain I'm Gary franchio and you Stay on top of latest news hit subscribe And tell your friends you saw it at the Next News Network In a bold move the nrcc named and shamed Those who voted against the essential Energy bill warning that the industry Now hangs by a thread with thousands of Families left jobless only one can only Wonder how these Democrats plan to Explain their energy votes to their Constituents the energy industry is in Desperate need of protection and support And it's clear that vulnerable Democrats May be more focused on their own Interests than the interests of their Communities The truth is America needs to be energy Independent the energy industry is a Vital part of our economy providing Millions of jobs and contributing Billions of dollars to our GDP we cannot Rely on other countries for our energy Needs putting our national security at Risk at the process we need to tap into

    Our own resources whether it be oil gas Nuclear or renewable energy to that Effect speaker Kevin McCarthy announced The lower energy costs act watch Every piece of legislation is assigned a Number when it's first introduced most Of these numbers are chronological but As Speaker I get to pick which bills are Assigned the numbers one through ten as A way to show how important that Legislation is I just announced hr1 our top priority That has a real shot at becoming law It's called the lower energy cost and It's going to do two big things First restore American Energy leadership Now how by repealing ordinance taxes and Over-regulation on American Energy Producers so we can lead the world in Providing clean affordable energy Make it easier to build in America every Time we need a pipeline a road or a dam On average it takes almost five years And millions of dollars in costs get Added to the project to comply with Washington's permitting process that's Way too long if we want to compete Against China we can streamline Permitting and still protect the Environment now that's a goal worthy of Number one but sadly the Democrats seem To have a different agenda they Continuously push for policies that the energy industry causing

    Inflation and Rising energy costs that Hurt everyday Americans they prioritize Their left-wing ideology over the Practical concerns of their districts Disregarding the impact it has on their Constituents the nrcc's move to Target Vulnerable house Democrats who voted Against the gop-led energy package is a Step in the right direction it's not for These lawmakers see the consequences of Their actions and start prioritizing the Needs of their districts over their Party's agenda the energy industry is a Vital part of livelihoods of millions of Americans and we cannot afford to Let It Fade Away the nrcc said in a document Release that the vulnerable house Democrats representing districts with Domestic energy jobs made a critical Mistake by opposing hr1 writing that the Vote is likely to bring an end to their Re-election bids and according to the Memo the nrcc plans to Target Representative Mary Tola yadara cavero And Gabe Vasquez during their Re-election campaigns the lower energy Cost acts as a significant step forward In reversing the disastrous energy Policies of the Biden Administration and The Democrats it's time to unleash the Full potential of American Prosperity Driven by our vast natural resources we Need to put the brakes on energy Inflation and Revitalize the energy

    Industry that has been under attack for Too long the truth is the lower energy Cost acts is the antidote to the Economic poison that the Biden Administration has been pumping into the Country since its Inception we cannot Afford to let his disastrous energy Policies continue to our economy And hurt hard-working Americans it's Time for the Democrats to wake up and Start prioritizing the needs of their Constituents over their left-wing Ideologies time for them to realize that Energy Independence is crucial to our National security and the well-being Being of millions of Americans Now the nrcc's move to Target vulnerable House Democrats who voted against the Gop-led energy package is a step in the Right direction we need to unleash the Full potential of American Prosperity Driven by our vast natural resources and Break the fever of energy inflation and Revitalize the energy industry that's Been under attack and most importantly We need to prioritize the needs of our Constituents over left-wing ideology It's time for America to be energy Independent again we need to take action Now Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report I'd

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