Mom WRECKS Racist CRT Agenda Shocking School Board Members

    Mom WRECKS Racist CRT Agenda Shocking School Board Members

    CRT for such a complex controversial Topic I have a very simple question why What is the purpose what does it solve What does it actually teach Imagine two childhood friends Jenny and Sharon they've been friends since they Were two years old sharing everything Birthdays sleepovers and a number of Firsts they grow up and enter the public School system where CRT is being taught Jenny is reminded she's white and learns About the atrocities committed to Maintain her white privilege and Sharon Is reminded she's black and every Shortcoming and challenge she faces is Because of Jenny's White Privilege Tensions rise hostility Creeps in and Just like that the friendship is over Now perhaps my example is a little Extreme but not too far-fetched it Actually sounds familiar children don't See race until you and I show it to them So I can tell you what CRT teaches Critical race Theory does nothing but Perpetuate the same narrative it plants The same seed of divisiveness So why do you want to keep telling the Same distorted and divisive story and Especially to our children in the form Of Education I ask again why does it Help our lagging test scores does it Equip our children with the tools needed To enter the real world and by real World I mean Workforce and making a

    Better Living financial literacy and Proper decision making making does it Teach our children to Value one another Regardless of skin color does it teach Our children to take pride in our Country a country where a man can be a Slave come from nothing yet give birth To a generation of children that have Everything I remember conversing amongst a group of Black friends and we all reflected on Our own childhood and how black history Was a small section in a history book Comprised of only slavery Jim Crow laws And civil rights slavery ended in 1865. 146 years worth of information since Then and yet it's filled with nothing But slavery trauma inferiority and That's all the history anyone ever Shoves in front of us again why what is The purpose CRT is not an accurate Account of black history or American History for that matter and it is Imperative we do not allow it to pass as Such I'm sure everyone here is aware of the 2018-2019 state report card that's the Only one I could find available online Less than 33 percent of Hamilton County Students were found to read at grade Level when critical race theory is Mentioned the average individual cannot Define it and our children most Certainly cannot Define let alone

    Comprehend its complexities I value Teachers tremendously my own father is An educator but teachers are teachers And they do not and nor does anyone on The board replace the parents many of You may be thinking CRT is banned in the State of Tennessee this is not a problem In the Hamilton County School District Well I do have with me an assignment Given to my son directly following the Banning of CRT in our state he was Provided with the Banning article with a Writing prompt what is the importance of CRT in the public school system this is A problem and I would like to note it The focus should be our core subject Subjects that are not excelling in Language arts math science and social Studies with the addition of Trades work Readiness and financial literacy and Let's be clear the fact we are not Excelling in these subjects has nothing To do with race my son is in the gifted Program he has a 4.0 he scored a 25 on The act as a sophomore with absolutely No prep that leads me to the importance Of school choice and is highlighted in The hcd emission statement the Environment of our schools and how all Of this correlates with critical race Theory I grew up in Milan Tennessee graduated From Mountain High School at the time I Attended blacks made up 15 of the school

    Population whites were dominant as I Reflect on my experience not once did I Feel inferior as CRT suggests not once Was I oppressed I the bar and Expectations that were set at the time Were for all students regardless of race I left the public school system and my Family knowing I could accomplish Anything and my skin color was the very Least of my concern fast forward to Having a child who attended Orchard not Middle and currently attends Brainerd High School in both instances he has Been stereotyped bar lowered viewed as Being at a disadvantage and evil even Labeled with phrases like he's not like The rest of them by an actual teacher CRT would do nothing but reinforce this Culture of inferiority and further Alienate our black children we must not Teach children that any challenge we Must not teach black children that any Challenge or burden that they may face Comes from white people we must not Teach white children that they are the Cause of of the plight in Black America We must teach all children regardless of Color you are the writer of your own Life and any system set in place that Threatens your dignity and freedom you Have the power to eliminate one voice in One vote at a time I urge you not to let CRT into our schools stand firm on the Tennessee Banning of CRT and hold every

    Single educator accountable who has the Audacity to take matters into their own Hands thank you Thank you Thank you