Cruz Goes NUTS on DOJ Deputy for Refusing to Prosecute SCOTUS Home Protesters

    Cruz Goes NUTS on DOJ Deputy for Refusing to Prosecute SCOTUS Home Protesters

    You made a political decision Merrick Garland made a political decision that Because you agree with the protesters You don't like the decision the Supreme Court Justices made The marshals were instructed don't Arrest anyone and don't enforce federal Law thank you Mr chairman Ms Monaco Welcome thank you you have a very Important job you're the number two Person in the Department of Justice Every U.S attorney reports to you The U.S Marshals report to you You are responsible for day-to-day Operations of the Department of Justice And in particular The criminal justice aspects of the Department of Justice is all of that Correct that's correct It is unfortunate Miss Monaco That as you look back over the last two And a half years This Department of Justice I believe has Been the most partisan Department of Justice we've ever seen And that is directly contrary to the Mission of doj Doj is meant to be non-partisan it is Meant to enforce the law regardless of Party I had hopes that Merrick garland would Actually do that when he was confirmed Those hopes have been shattered You have been a loyal deputy

    Standing alongside that partisan Corruption of Department of Justice You have been willing to devote massive Resources To targeting Individuals that are perceived to be Political opponents of the White House And you've been willing to devote zero Resources To protecting Individuals who are perceived to be Political opponents of the White House I want to ask you about a statute you've Been asked about already 18 USC 1507. you're familiar with the Statute Yes It's a criminal statute that says Whoever with the intent of influencing Any judge Pickets or parades in or near a building Or residences occupied or used by such Judge Shall be fined or imprisoned under this Title or imprisoned not more than one Year or both now the entire country has Seen hundreds of protesters outside the Homes of Supreme Court Justices night After night after night You turn on your TV and you see Violations of this criminal statute over And over and over again how many Prosecutions is doj brought under 18 USC Section 1507 under your leadership

    There's not been no prosecutions under 1507 we're pursuing an attempted murder Case against an individual zero is the Answer Justice Kavanaugh I'm quite aware And and you're responsible for that Allowing these protests night after Night after night the violent threat of Homicide of the individual who traveled Across the country Attempting to murder a Supreme Court Justice that was fueled By doj refusing To enforce this statute now it's not an Accident that doj refused to enforce This statute The U.S Marshals put up Gave a presentation the general Counsel's office of the U.S Marshals if You look at one of the pages from that Presentation The general counsel's office Stated the goals of the residential and Personal protection Mission keeps scotus Justices and their family free from Physical harm Do not interfere with lawful First Amendment protected activity avoid Unless absolutely necessary criminal Enforcement actions involving the Protester protesters particularly on Public space and making arrests and Initiating initiating prosecutions is Not the goal of the president's Of the Marshall's Presence at scotus

    Residences are you familiar with this Presentation I am I'm familiar with the fact that the U.S Marshal Service director has been Explicit has been clear that the Attorney general has repeatedly directed Him to enforce all federal laws Including 1507 and that his number one Priority and that of his many deputies Assigned to a 24 7 security presence is To protect the life the safety the Property of the justices did you or Anyone from the dags office meet with The U.S Marshal Service and discuss Section 1507. I regularly meet with the Director of the Marshall service the Attorney did you discussed 1507 the I Discussed the the attorney general has Been quite clear and I have been quite Clear with the director of the Marshall Service are you familiar with this Presentation I've seen those slides if They're the ones that Senator Britt Presented to the attorney general I Might want to be quite clear Senator About the direction given to the Marshall service through the director of The Marshall service he has been clear That the Attorney General directed him Repeatedly to enforce all federal laws That is demonstrably false because this Is written instruction making arrests And initiating prosecution is not the Goal that's not an instruction to

    Enforce the law that is exactly the Opposite is 180 degrees it is Instructing them it is not the goal to Arrest anybody despite the fact that the Criminal statute said they shall be Imprisoned you made a political decision Merrick Garland made a political Decision that because you agree with the Protesters you don't like the decision The Supreme Court Justices made The marshals were instructed don't Arrest anyone and don't enforce federal Law Isn't that correct that is not correct Because the attorney general and I and The Marshall service director are so Concerned about potential threats to the Justices the Attorney General directed In an unprecedented step 24. what this Says in writing 24 what does this say in Writing I don't have the right glasses On for that but Senator the Attorney General was very clear with the director Of the Marshal Service and the Marshal Service director has said the same thing The word is even underlined the number One priority Given to the Marshall service for their Unprecedented protection detail for the Supreme Court Justices is to protect Their life their safety to ignore 1507 To protect their life to ignore Federal Criminal Law Respectfully disagree with that

    Character that's what the written Instruction says not is underlined do Not make arrests do not initiate Prosecutions Up is not down The director of the Marshall service has Been very clear the Attorney General Directed him to enforce all federal laws But that his number one priority is to Ensure the safety is Monica what you're Saying is objectively false