SAVAGE! American Beer Company Throws Mega Shade at Bud Light Amid Controversy

    SAVAGE! American Beer Company Throws Mega Shade at Bud Light Amid Controversy

    In the ever competitive world of American Beer one company has thrown a Slide jab at a certain Brewing giant Bud Light with a controversy Brewing over Bud light's recent advertising campaign Partnering with a controversial activist The American Beer Company took the Opportunity to slowly remind customers That good beer doesn't need gimmicky ads Or disingenuous marketing ploys with Their well-timed viral tweet this Underdog craft Brewer proved that Quality still Reigns Supreme in the World of Beer I'm Gary francione you Keep up with latest news tap subscribe And enable your notifications All these reports on beer is making me Thirsty but you know what I just I Haven't drank beer and In years years I prefer a good vodka or a good bourbon Personally but while the Bud Light drama Drags on bud light's competitor Yingling Got in on the ACT with a well-timed Tweet an hour after Anheuser-Busch CEO Tweeted out a lengthy statement on Twitter to ease tension Yingling's small Pennsylvania base Brewery sent its own Tweet that didn't go unnoticed by Americans alongside a photo of its Traditional lager stage in front of an American flag the American Beer Company Tweet red Yingling The oldest brewery in America

    Independently owned and operated family Business since 1829 because we make good Beer the Tweet received a lot of support From fans who viewed it close to 5 Million times as of Wednesday morning One person responded just found a new Beer another said good timing another Added it just so happens I'm looking for A new favorite beer After expanding into Kansas Missouri and Oklahoma in February of 2023 the Nation's oldest brewery currently sells Its products in 26 States meanwhile Since Mulvaney's partnership Anheuser-Busch has lost more than 5 Billion in value I believe it's now up To seven billion dollars Yingling's viral tweet serves as a Strong reminder that good beer speaks For itself while some companies rely on Shady tactics to push their products as Craft Brewers content to let their beer Do the talking ultimately it's up to Each individual to choose which Companies they support and which Products they consume but this tweet Shows that they are more than a worthy Of your consideration for any beer Enthusiast let's continue the Conversation in the comments below for The next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report I'd Like to ask you a question are Widespread food shortages the next big

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