LOOK: Gas Prices Skyrocketing All Across America, Even Trump Took Notice

    LOOK: Gas Prices Skyrocketing All Across America, Even Trump Took Notice

    With gas prices on the rise again Americans are feeling the pinch at the Pump even president Trump took notice Voicing his concerns about the sudden Spike in fuel costs trust me when I say Trump did not mince words in his Statement I'm Gary franchio in Santa Latest news hit subscribe and tell your Friends you saw it at the next News Network Yes sadly gas prices are rising again Wednesday's national average gas price Was 3.68 cents a gallon this is up 23 Cents from the same time last month when Gas was 345 a gallon in a post on true Social Trump reacted to the rising cost Saying gasoline has just hit a Five-month high now that Biden has Emptied the Strategic oil reserves which Should never have been done here we go Again and so unnecessary I had oil and Gas at low long-term record lows and no Inflation as of Wednesday the states With the highest gas prices were California at 4.91 cents a gallon Hawaii Four dollars and 79 cents a gallon Arizona hit 4.67 Washington at 455 Nevada at 422 the States with the lowest prices were Mississippi Arkansas Louisiana As noted by axios Saudi Arabia Russia And other OPEC members surprised the Market earlier this month by cutting Production by about 1.2 million barrels

    A day supply will decrease during the Summer driving season as a result of the Production cut in addition there could Be further disruptions as refined Products Supply in the Gulf Coast Refineries with hurricane season right Around the corner In this time of economic uncertainty It's more important than ever that we Prioritize our energy independence by Reducing our dependence on foreign oil And investing in domestic resources we Can better control the price of fuel and Protect ourselves against fluctuations In the global market all this was Happening while President Trump was in Office and if we as Americans really Want to see this type of change come Back we must all show up at The Ballot Box November and vote Donald Trump for President let's continue the Conversation in the comments below for The next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report if You started to notice that wrinkles Fine Lines bags under your eyes or other Typical signs of aging are appearing More and more frequently in your face Well it may not be the result of the Stress of the New Year the presence of Wrinkles and other signs of aging are Some of the most reliable indicators That your collagen levels are low by Using this multi-collagen powder which I

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