Southwest Airlines Endlessly Criticized after Failing Thousands of Travelers Earlier this Week

    Southwest Airlines Endlessly Criticized after Failing Thousands of Travelers Earlier this Week

    Southwest Airlines has once again found Itself in the hot seat after failing Thousands of Travelers throughout the Holiday season last year now the airline Is facing endless criticism for another Major flight delay I'm Gary franchi at News breaks every day here be the first To know when tap subscribe and stay Informed The twitterverse tore into Southwest Airlines after they were forced to Ground all their planes due to technical Difficulties just months after a major Holiday meltdown on Tuesday the Federal Aviation Administration announced the Airline requested a pause and flight Departures a firewall failure caused Southwest to lose connections to Operational data that's according to Reports Captain Michael centauro vice President of the South Southwest Airlines Pilots Association went on CNBC And explained that the firewall failure Will take a while to be fixed wash As outdated systems are causing delays And slowdowns here to discuss is Captain Michael Santoro he is Vice President of The Southwest Airlines Pilots Association Captain Santoro welcome to The show and what happened here Thanks for having me uh so the today Maintenance on uh one of the firewalls To the Swift Software System uh and Never the maintenance patch failed it

    Went to the the B system and it took a Long time for that to switch over which Caused Um our Pilots not getting the proper Paperwork and the airline not being able To dispatch airplanes didn't Southwest I Mean we'd seen this issue obviously most Notably a couple of months ago didn't They try to invest in systems or Personnel or what have you to prevent Something like this from happening again So the question is did any of that new Apparatus get in place uh that would Have prevented this or is it just going To take a while Uh it's going to take a while uh this System actually Swift was slated to be Updated five years ago And they put off the project to um uh You know while Gary K was CEO to to you Know invest in the shareholders and not In the company so Swift guy has been put Off for years and uh despite our Warnings that it's a problem and um and Then you're seeing the effects of that Now as patches keep on going in and the Patch is failing there are more than 1 700 flights delayed that's according to FlightAware data but the FAA Has Lifted The pause and flights are continuing it Follows a major disruption that Travelers experience in late December During which thousands of flights were Canceled due to operational problems in

    Response the airline said at the time That they'd taken steps to prevent that From happening again but because of Tuesday's situation they face social Media backlash one person named John Tweeted once again sitting on a flight And being delayed what is wrong with Your leadership isn't it time for a new Change and a new CEO Southwest actually replied to John's Tweet saying we know traveling is tough On its own and we're very sorry for the Delay today John as of now we do not Have a time frame for when this will be Resolved we regret any inconvenience That may cause in the interim In addition some Twitter users seize on Southwest delay in order to put the Blame on Transportation secretary Pete Butterjudge Mindy Robinson tweeted this Is what happens when you hire a useless Transportation secretary whose biggest Concern is whether roads and highways Are racist Dana Loesch added is Pete Butterjudge still lamenting the racist Roads issue or is he going to deal with Actual Transportation issues anytime Soon and Jimmy felia added Southwest Airlines has grounded all of its flights Nationwide Transportation secretary Pete Butter says it's because of racist Runways Backlash Southwest Airlines remain Relatively quiet on the matter only

    Offering an apology to those affected by The delay whose lack of action has left Many customers feeling unsatisfied and Questioning the airline's commitment to Providing reliable Service as the Company continues to face criticism it Will be interesting to see how they Respond and what steps they take to Regain the trust of their customers Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report if You started to notice that wrinkles Fine Lines bags under your eyes or other Typical signs of aging are appearing More and more frequently in your face Well it may not be the result of the Stress of the New Year the presence of Wrinkles and other signs of aging are Some of the most reliable indicators That your collagen levels are low by Using this multi-collagen powder which I Love to use you'll be able to experience The healthy aging effects of collagen That it has on your skin as a result of Taking this for a week I've noticed a Significant reduction in the appearance Of wrinkles and fine lines on my face I'm very pleased with the results that I've seen it's had an amazing effect on Me and I want you to experience the same Go to to get a bag For 51 off plus several free bonuses

    Before their new year sale ends you can Find the link for Under the video or you can click the Word more at the bottom to find the link And get ready to look your best this Brand new year at We'll see you at the next report for the Next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative plea please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network Foreign