Biden’s Recklessness Continues Unabated: US Residents Stranded in Sudan after Another Disaster

    Biden's Recklessness Continues Unabated: US Residents Stranded in Sudan after Another Disaster

    America is once again Under Siege from The left as Joe Biden as Progressive Generals abandoned U.S Nationals and yet Another foreign country after leaving Thousands of Americans stranded and Afghanistan the Biden regime is now Failing to evacuate citizens from Sudan Leaving them at the mercy of the rebels And militants this is another shameful Disaster for the bite Administration who Seems to have learned nothing from their Past failures I'm Gary francione to keep up with the Latest news tap subscribe and enable Your notifications It seems like the byte Administration Just can't get anything right following Their disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan which saw thousands of U.S Nationals abandoned to the mercy of the Taliban they've now left Americans Stranded in Sudan it's a shameful Display of incompetence and Irresponsibility as the Biden regime Once again puts the lives of U.S Citizens at risk with militants and Rebels on the loose the situation in Sudan is extremely dangerous yet the Bide Administration remains unfazed Seemingly uninterested in Saving American lives watch Tonight one of Africa's largest Countries is gripped by chaos The Army and a powerful paramilitary

    Locked in a brutal fight for power it's Unclear who's now in control and where Americans told to shelter in place even The U.S ambassador to Sudan hunkered at The embassy with his staff and this Tourist who was visiting when the Fighting erupted what I can see from Here is the people are leaving right in Around the airport area in like area of Heavy fighting then it's blocked off by Soldiers but with the International Airport closed the state department Telling NBC News there's no plans for The U.S to evacuate its citizens No plans for the U.S to evacuate as Citizens The parallels between the situation in Afghanistan and Sudan are frightenly Horrifying once again the by Demonstration is failing to take Responsibility for the safety of U.S Nationals overseas according to reports Thousands of Americans and green card Holders are currently stranded in Sudan At risk of being taken hostage or worse It's a dire situation that demands Immediate action yet the Biden regime Seems content to leave them there the Situation in Sudan is rapidly Deteriorating with reports of heavy Fighting gunfire and security forces Activity home invasions and looting have Also been reported the U.S embassy there Has urged U.S citizens to stay put and

    Hide but for those already stranded this Advice comes too late the bite Administration should have acted earlier To evacuate these individuals rather Than leaving them to fend for themselves To make matters worse the Pentagon is Currently positioning U.S forces in Djibouti in anticipation of a potential Mission to evacuate U.S embassy Personnel from from the location there But reports suggest this Mission will Only evacuate Embassy staff and not American citizens this leaves thousands Of Americans at risk being left behind Once again with the bide Administration Showing little interest in saving their Lives it's a shocking display of Incompetence and irresponsibility and One that is sure to put more American Lives at risk with Rebels and militants On the loose and the situation in Sudan Becoming more dire by the day it's Imperative that the by Administration Take action now to save American lives The Biden administration's failure to Evacuate U.S Nationals from Sudan is Just the latest in a long line of Disasters from the shameful withdrawal From Afghanistan to the ongoing crisis At the southern border the Biden regime Seems incapable of protecting American Lives it's a worrying situation that Demands immediate action lest more Americans be left stranded or Worse the

    Biod administration must act now to Ensure the safety of U.S Nationals in Sudan and take responsibility for the Failures of the past Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report I'd Like to ask you a question are Widespread food shortages the next big Thing as far as I can tell it looks like It whenever I look around it seems like Everything is going to come crashing Down at any moment you're ready aren't You are you prepared with at least three Months worth of food stocked up in case Of an emergency well you can find new Lower prices for my Patriot Supply if You tap more below and go to where you'll find New lower prices from my Patriot Supply In addition save 200 on a three-month Emergency food kit and get free shipping As well there's enough food in this kit To nourish one person for a solid three Months the kit includes breakfast Lunches dinners drinks and snacks it Provides you with 2 000 calories a day Which will keep you full and satisfied Throughout the day now is the perfect Time for you to save two hundred dollars On our prepare with kit the Kits will be shipped to you fast and Free of charge that's prepared with we'll see you the next report For the next News Network I'm Gary Franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network Foreign