Brave Pizza Delivery Man Saves the Day Amid Police Chase

Brave Pizza Delivery Man Saves the Day Amid Police Chase

You know what they say Heroes come in All shapes in sizes well we have the Perfect example and the scenario in Delaware County in a cop chase I know What you're thinking a cop hero nope That's a pizza delivery man your freedom Is at stake get the news that impacts America by tapping subscribe below to Preserve it my name is Elijah Shafer In a world where crime seems to be on The rise and good news is hard to come By it's referring to it's refreshing to Hear a story of heroism and bravery Tyler Morello delivery driver for Coco's Pizza in Pennsylvania recently found Himself in the middle of a high-speed Police chase and an attempted carjacking But instead of cowering in fear Morel Rose to the occasion and took matters Into his own hands according to reports Morel was on his regular delivery route When he witnessed a stolen Kia Speeding down the street over 75 miles Per hour the driver of the stolen Vehicle lost control and crashed onto a Neighbor's lawn nearly hitting other Cars in the process with the police in Pursuit the suspect immediately fled the Scene on foot that's when Morel sprang Into action Merle is seen with the pizza Standing at the customer's door then the Police stop in front of the house as They flee down the street according to Report where else did I started walking

Towards the road but I couldn't do Anything with my hands because I'm Holding the pizza so I just stuck my leg Out Royal managed to trip the suspect Giving police enough time to arrest him Watch Wow look at that It just tripped him like that that was Pretty uh pretty good there pretty Epic This is in slow motion we'll see the Kia He pulls out starts running [Music] And he runs towards the Pizza Guys Pizza Guy trips him And then he's gone wow he's totally It was reported that morale said this I Am sick of seeing crime go on especially Half a mile down the road so if they Needed to hand her foot I was there According to ABC 6 Brookhaven chief of Police Michael Vice said that he gave us The help we needed by tripping him he Gave us the time to catch up with the Gentleman Today's day and age it is easy to become Disillusioned and Jaded by the constant Barrage of negative news but when we Hear about people like Tyler Morrell It's a reminder that there are still Good people in the world who are willing To risk it all for the greater good from All of us at Coco's Pizza we commend Tyler for this bravery and selfish Selflessness and hope that the story

Serves as inspiration for others to Follow in his footsteps let's continue This conversation in the comments below For the next exercise Elijah Schaefer Have a good night Thank you for watching that report you Know there's an epidemic of bad sleep in America an estimated 164 million Americans wake up tossing and turning at Night due to habits such as long work Hours caffeine and stress one study of Over 4 000 adults found that 27 percent Had trouble following or staying asleep Most nights the problem of poor sleep May be one of the most ignored and Urgent issues of our time now this is a Product I've been using to improve my Sleep I've been using it for a few Months now and I absolutely love it a Great tasting alternative to taking a Handful of supplements on a daily basis This amazing pill contains seven Essential vitamins and minerals Recommended by industry experts after Starting it I've been able to wake up Feeling more energized and clear-headed Keeping my days super productive in General I've been happier and less Fatigued visit by clicking on the More button below this video with the Promo code nnn you can save up to 51 Percent today go to www dot get good now we'll see you at the

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