Watch Marjorie Taylor Greene DESTROY Eric Swalwell on Live TV!

Watch Marjorie Taylor Greene DESTROY Eric Swalwell on Live TV!

During a recent hearing on Capitol Hill Marjorie Taylor Greene exposed Eric Swalwell's connections to a Chinese spy Commonly known as Fang Fang leaving the California Congressman in utter shock And embarrassment I'm Gary franchue on The top news every day hit subscribe and Turn on your notifications During a hearing this week Republican Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor Dream ripped into the Democrat California representative Eric swalwell Over his alleged sexual relationship With a suspected Chinese spy swalwell Was questioning Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro mayorcas about the Rise in anti-Semitism before Green's Remarks watch Do you believe that all of us have a Responsibility to elevate our rhetoric And to denounce anti-Semitism and Anti-police rhetoric in this country so That Jewish Americans and police Officers can be safer Congressman I do thank you and I yield Back The gentleman yields and now I recognize The gentlelady from Georgia Miss Green That was quite entertaining from someone That had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy and everyone knows it but They move to take our words down Completely inappropriate yeah stand by Just a second while we research the rule

Um give me just a second I want to watch that one more time Do you believe that all of us have a Responsibility to elevate our rhetoric And to denounce anti-Semitism and Anti-police rhetoric in this country so That Jewish Americans and police Officers can be safer Congressman I do thank you and I yield Back The gentleman yields and now I recognize The gentlelady from Georgia Miss Green That was quite entertaining from someone That had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy and everyone knows it but They moved to take our words down [Music] Look at swallow well he's standing up He's standing back just a second while We researched the rules fuming give me Just a second look at him he's like Standing up like oh how dare you Dan Goldman the Democrat representative From New York interrupted green and Demanded that her comment be taken out Of the record green refused to retract Her comments about swalwell and Representative Mark green the committee Chair refused to strike her taunt from The record and Republicans blocked the Democrats appeal as a result of his Alleged relationship with the Chinese Spy Christine Fang also known as Fang Fang house Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Removed swalwell from the house Intelligence committee China's Ministry of State security Allegedly directed Fang to cultivate Connections with swalwell and other California politicians from 2011 to 2015. a length the axios report alleges It Fang bundle campaign contributions For swalwell and provided an interim Intern for his Congressional office While some may criticize Marjorie Taylor Green's tactics as no denying that she's Not afraid to call out hypocrisy and Corruption her boldness and willingness To speak truth to power has earned her a Loyal following among conservatives who See her as a breath of fresh air in an Otherwise stagnant political climate as We continue to fight for our nation's Future let us hope that more leaders Like Marjorie Taylor green will emerge To take a stand for what is right and Just no matter the cost let's continue The conversation in the comments below For the next News Network I'm Gary Franchi Thank you for watching that report There's no stopping the my pillow Maven Mike Lindell who will not be deterred by Liberal lies he's been at the Forefront Of the fight for Truth for years while Making sure that Americans remain Comfortable while they sleep the next News network is now partnering with him

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