Democrats STRUGGLING for Working Class Support #shorts

Democrats STRUGGLING for Working Class Support #shorts

Recent polls and election results show That Republicans are taking over the Working-class vote but why is this Happening experts say the answer is Simple the Democratic party has become Out of touch with the needs of the Average American worker the GOP on the Other hand has been speaking directly to Their concerns and it's paying off in a Big way The Democratic Party of the United States claims to be the voice of the People the party of the working class And yet recent data has shown that the Republican party has taken over the Mantle of representing the blue-collar Workers leaving the Democrats far behind The evidence is overwhelming and the Trend has been in place for a decade a Recent chart produced by congresswoman Mark Marcy captor reveals that a Whopping 64 percent of congressional Districts within median incomes below The national average are now electing Republicans the trend is a specially Pronounced in rural areas and secondary Cities areas are around the working Class communities are are concentrated The virus-induced economic hardships Resulting in inflation rates have Compounded this trend driving the Working and lower middle