Gas Stove Crackdown Met with Backlash #shorts

Gas Stove Crackdown Met with Backlash #shorts

Several our energy and consumer advocacy Groups filed comments on Monday that the Department of energy opposed the Agency's rules regulating gas stoves Fox news reports in an argument led by Competitive Enterprise Institute 18 Groups argued that Doe's stovetop Regulations compromise consumer choice And are therefore arbitrary and Capricious while having a little impact On climate change the letter emphasized Compliance with the energy policy and Conservation act which requires the Federal government to implement Energy Efficiency measures without limiting Consumer Choice the groups right that Epca does not mandate a new energy Conservation standard for cooking Products but permits only one if it Benefits consumers this is not the case Here the proposed rule would almost Certainly compromise some of the Features that gas stove users want and All for the sake of saving the Insignificant amount of energy The letter continued saying the agency Exaggerated claims of climate change Benefits the do not