Reporter Confronts John Fetterman in DC with CRITICAL Question – His Answer has EVERYONE Concerned!

Reporter Confronts John Fetterman in DC with CRITICAL Question - His Answer has EVERYONE Concerned!

The news of John fetterman returning to The U.S Senate after battling with Depression has caught many people's Attention However some have begun to question Whether fetterman is fit to serve in This position after he avoided answering Critical questions from reporter in Washington D.C the recent incident has Raised concerns among the public leaving Many speculating about the Senator's Future Keep up with the latest news by tapping Subscribe below and enable your Notifications my name is Elijah Shafer Before I get to that report jump start Your New Year resolution with this Amazing keto powder you can benefit from Many of the weight management benefits Of ketosis without having to restrict Carbs or experience the infamous keto Flu if you want to experience the same Amazing effects that I did I use it Every day in my protein shakes I want You to try it too go to keto with to get your bag for 51 off plus Receive several free bonuses before the Sale ends and look your best this year By clicking on more below the video now Back to the news John fetterman returned To the U.S Capitol Monday afternoon After being hospitalized twice during Most of his several first several weeks In U.S Senate

While he was walking into the capitol Fetterman was confronted by reporters With one asking if he expected to be Able to serve his full six-year term Take a look Senator How are you feeling Senator Senator are You confident you can serve your full Six years It's good to be back he says Well I don't think dressing down has the Same effect that he thinks it does I Thought I might ignored the question Instead said it's great to be back thank You after an extended stay at Walter Reed National military Medical Center For clinical depression Thunderman was Discharged on March 31st as a result of Experiencing depression off and on Throughout his life the senator entered The hospital on February 16th in March Of 2022 on the eve of the Democratic Primary the first term Senator suffered A stroke while fetterman missed several Months of campaigning his wife Giselle And fellow Democratic Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey served as surrogates Although fetterman and his team deny any Connection between stroke and depression Many doctors consider depression to be a Common stroke after effect his stroke Has however caused him to have cognitive Issues including a problem with auditory Processing he uses a closed captioning

Device to type what is being said to him So that he can have conversations with Other members of Congress Now as an elected official it is Reasonable to expect Senator fetterman To be accountable to his constituents And the Press by avoiding questions from The media he has raised doubts about his Transparency and ability to serve in a Public office it is essential for Elected officials to be open and Accessible to the press and the public That they serve fetterman's avoidance of Critical questions has left many Wondering if he can fulfill the vital Responsibility only time will tell if Senator fetterman will rise to the Occasion and demonstrate his Fitness to Serve but so far he hasn't let's Continue this conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Elijah Shafer have a good night Thanks for watching that report and the Latest survey of Americans nearly half Of them also selected eating healthier Exercising more or losing weight as Their primary goal in the near future in Spite of the fact that 9 out of 10 People who make resolutions are Confident they'll stick to them nearly 80 percent of them are likely to fail to Accomplish them in order to jump start Your New Year resolutions I recommend Starting with this amazing keto powder

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