Trans Activists are EXPLOITING Women

Trans Activists are EXPLOITING Women

What we're trying to do is remind you That women are women and men are men Yeah there's some small subset of Society that's you know genetically got Something going on or whatever that's Not what we're talking about either and I truly I honest to God have honest to God compassion for people who are Dealing with this dysphoria I do man I've told you over and over again I Can't imagine being a parent I can't Imagine looking at someone that I love And watching them go through this Struggle I can't imagine the pain They're going through when it's legit But see that right there they're Exploiting them too because so many of These people like the Dilemma vanities Of the world and the Jeffrey marshes They're bullshitting they're not who They say they are and they're exploiting People who are legitimately going Through a struggle in their life and They're getting rich off of it they're Getting famous off of it yes I know Maybe we don't help by continually Giving them air time but my God at what Point in time we have to mock them we Have to ridicule them we have to point This out and say this is a wrong agenda