Bill Maher and Piers Morgan Absolutely WRECK Dumb Congresswoman

Bill Maher and Piers Morgan Absolutely WRECK Dumb Congresswoman

So we were telling you about uh Katie Porter Um She is the representative who's been Making the rounds lately she was on uh Bill Maher's show this weekend joined by Piers Morgan Where uh representative Porter decided To mock their age oh gosh Okay to do something for the likes you Know that disease that happened to America that every kid has to do Something for the likes I just think our Kids are not mature well I think they're Constantly seeking affirmation this is Because of things like Instagram you Post something and people validate you But they use National Security secrets For that well because the level of a bad Judgment right but the real Scandal Because nobody wants to do it because I Know old Right now [Music] [Applause] Not a 21. not all over the world That's why we don't well you're using Until they're 21 that's why some of us Don't think that 20 year olds or 19 year Olds ought to be able to go get AR-15 Well I think that's a discussion we Should have because I think we know About I thought if your vote you should Be able to think you have a certain

Level of maturity they're deciding Whether you should be in Congress or not And by the way I'm just votes and I'm proud of it but You just said you win the votes of the Immature Image for her Maturity's not necessarily thing you can Be immature well you just played the age Card yeah you were like our argument Sucks because we're old I didn't say That it's getting so boring okay just For the record [Applause] Bro Shouldn't we critique each other on the Content of our ideas not on those Identity You're old You couldn't possibly have The right idea yeah I really hate that Argument too because uh anything you're Opposed to that you know has happened Socially or online in the last 25 years You can't relate to it because you're a Boomer yeah you're too old no I Long When kids are getting dopamine hits from Just you know having the like button Pushed for them that could be a problem And it is a problem look what's Happening to our youth now Uh wow uh she's hideous oh yes that's The word and uh she's been the Congressional face of uh opposition to

Swimmer Riley Gaines lately so weird you Know Riley Gaines is the she's a real Powerhouse and she's been really Crusading Uh to protect women's sports it's not Transphobia she's not afraid of people Who are trans She just doesn't think they should be Competing against biological women whoa What a crazy what a crazy boy she sounds Old Riley Gaines would that take yeah it Doesn't she what is she 22 23. Uh so here's what you said about gains And trans women in women's sports You should be able to have a civil Debate nobody including Riley Gaines who I disagree with strongly should be Should you disagree with out of interest Um I I think that it should be up to Sporting bodies to make the decisions About who she said that's actually wrong Yeah I think that what she has done is Try to turn this we talked about people You know becoming using things to kind Of get likes and get clicks that's not What she's doing I've got no truck for Right against personally but all I've Seen her do is stand up for women's Rights to fairness and equality she Actually competed against Leah Thomas And it was obviously unfair Leah Thomas Won one of the races in the NCAA Championships by 50 seconds against a

Bunch of biological females who simply Couldn't keep up that cannot be right it Cannot be fair [Applause] I think our sporting bodies should be Dealing with and by the way Riley is Speaking up for herself And that is her prerogative and I Respect her free speech I think she's Speaking about pretty much every female Athlete in the world I mean wasn't that wasn't that the point Of Title Nine yes Title Nine in the Early 70s it was something that was a it Was a major event in feminism that we Finally have this law that says at Colleges right and I think high schools Do but definitely colleges women women's Sports have to be given equal to men's Sports so that women aren't you know and This led to the WNBA and lots of other Stuff this seems to be the opposite of That it seems to be so many instances I Think where wokeness is the opposite of What I grew up Liberalism was let's give the women an Equal shot I mean this is let me put a Male in the in the swimming pool with The women I don't get it it's crazy and Meanwhile trans people who genuinely Want to compete at Athletics and Swimming or whatever it may be they're The ones who are suffering here they Need to be found a way to compete fairly

And justly what's your answer then I Think there's one or two answers I think They either compete against their Biological sex as many of them did Before or you create an entirely new Category that's what we've said that's What we've said a million times and They're able to compete fairly yeah what You cannot do is To allow more and more trans athletes to Start decimating women's records in some Cases irrevocably it's just not fair Yeah that's exactly right boy they put Her in her place didn't they so great What a what a strange world where common Sense is this crazy idea to these people Like Katie Porter I just I can't Understand in this world an extreme I don't know it truly is speaking of Sports here's an interesting chart that Was sent our way oh and it shows a Fascinating Trend that's going on oh no Um let's can we see the is this you see The chart this would be what testicular Injury oh my goodness among female Athletes it's just Skyrocket it's off The charts look at that uh that is I Mean it's gone straight up straight up Since what 2021-ish in there somewhere But I mean look at that I mean There's almost none uh from 1900 all the Way to 2000 it had a little bit of a Ride yeah and then it's just crazy these Are the charts testicular injuries among

Female athletes something changed I Wonder what happened I don't know I Don't know that's really weird Apparently they wore their jock straps Before now or is that what protected Them I don't know and now they've just Decided I'm not gonna wear one That's risky and see what I should have Said athletic supporters Kinder gentler term perhaps