Jim Jordan Just Pledged his FULL SUPPORT to this 2024 Presidential Candidate

Jim Jordan Just Pledged his FULL SUPPORT to this 2024 Presidential Candidate

As the 2024 presidential election inches Closer the Republican Party finds itself In a state of anticipation and Excitement with candidates emerging from Different corners of the party the race Is heating up and the stakes remain high One candidate in particular is one of The hearts of many conservatives Including Ohio representative Jim Jordan Despite the rise of other potential Contenders Jordan has pledged his full Support to one candidate and other Lawmakers should take notice and follow His lead I'm Gary franchi and your Freedom's mistake get the news it Impacts America tap subscribe right now And help us to preserve it House Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan has confirmed his support for Former president Donald Trump in the 2024 elections in an interview with Fox News he said that the former vice President Mike Pence and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who are expected To announce presidential bids are great Guys but Trump has his full support Going into the GOP Primary watch There's a bunch of presidential Candidates are supposed presidential Candidates here this week which one Stands out to you as the one that's best Going to protect the Second Amendment Rights of Americans president Trump I'm For president Trump I like all of them

I'm friends with them I just talked to Vice president Pence great guy was a guy In the Congress Governor just saying as If he runs a great guy when we formed The freedom caucus there were nine of us And he was one of the one of the nine But I am a hundred percent for president Trump no one has demonstrated that they Will do what they said and get things Done like he did and he did it with Everyone in that town against him Um and that's what I sell respect about President Trump and I'm for him all the Way thank you all right I mean come on I mean who else is it going to go for I mean it's obvious right I mean come on Jim Jordan pledges his full support well For who of course it's going to be President Trump it's a foregone Conclusion Jordan's comments come as the GOP Primary heats up and two weeks after Trump was charged with 34 felony counts And um Jordan has stood by Trump as he Faces criminal charges in Manhattan Launching an inquiry into the Unprecedented investigation of an Ex-president Former New York Council Special Assistant district attorney Mark Pomeranz who's pursued criminal charges Against Trump was subpoenaed by the Judiciary Committee last week in

February of last year pomeranz abruptly Resigned along with one of their Prosecutor heading the Trump inquiry in After Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg expressed doubts about the case he Inherited Jordan was sued earlier this week by Bragg accusing him of obstruction of an Interference in the Manhattan District Attorney's investigation into Trump Consistently leads polls for the GOP Nomination by double digits and Jordan Joins a growing list of public publicly Supporting him for the Post in 2024. Six Senators at least 40 house members Have all endorsed or expressed that they Are behind Trump for 2024. The 2024 presidential election has Already created ripples within the Republican party with candidates vying For the top spot many conservatives have Thrown their weight behind their choices For Ohio representative Jim Jordan His Pick is clear former president Donald Trump while many may have expected the Support for Trump to dwindle it seems to Only be gaining momentum among Conservatives the unwavering support From conservatives like Jim Jordan is a Testament to Trump's prowess in the Political landscape the future of the Republican Party remains uncertain but One thing is for sure Trump still Retains a strong foothold in the hearts

Of many conservatives let's continue the Conversation in the comments below for The next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report There's no stopping the my pillow Maven Mike Lindell who will not be deterred by Liberal lies he's been at the Forefront Of the fight for Truth for years while Making sure that Americans remain Comfortable while they sleep the next News network is now partnering with him In order to provide you with the best Sleep of your life the patented Interlocking fill part of my pillow is Designed to adapt to your individual Sleeping position regardless of whether You're lying on your back your side or Your stomach as a result the Innovative Fill then holds its position all night Making it easier for you to fall asleep Quicker and stay asleep longer and Imagine pairing that like I did with the Giza dream sheets and the mattress Topper believe me you'll be in heaven Click on the more button below this Video and visit sleepwithgary.com in Order to learn more if you use the promo Code nnn today you will be able to save Up to 66 percent off and you'll have a 10-year warranty included it's Sleepwithgary.com that you have been Dreaming of about we'll see you at the Next report for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi

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