Republicans Gets the Last Laugh after Nashville Florist Denies Business to the RNC

Republicans Gets the Last Laugh after Nashville Florist Denies Business to the RNC

As the old saying goes laughter is the Best medicine and it seems that Republicans are getting their dose of it After a national florist denied them Service and called for strict gun Control measures while the florists may Have been trying to make a political Statement its decision was laughed at by Republicans who support a free market Economy where businesses can deny Services to anyone I'm Gary franchi in News breaks every day here be the first To know when tap subscribe and stay Informed Before I get to that report there are 164 million Americans who report getting Poor sleep every night that's why I've Been using this amazing sleeping pill For a few months and I absolutely love It seven essential vitamins and minerals Make it a great alternative to Pills and Supplements reclaim your good night's Sleep with 51 off go to or click more Below the video in the description box And click the link there to get several Free bonuses before their half off sale Ends go to now back to the News following the Republican National Committee's request for floral Arrangements for an upcoming event a Nashville flower shop publicly blasted The RNC an Instagram post by

Flwr Shop in Nashville stated that it Wouldn't do business with the RNC due to Its pro-second Amendment stance the post Read last week we received a request to Provide Floral Design Services for an RNC fundraising event planned take place In our city in mid-april featuring Donald Trump and other members of the Republican party we immediately declined This opportunity what a bunch of idiots How much money they would have made the Post went on to say we'd like to Challenge others in the Nashville event Industry to say no to taking money or Jobs from a Republican party until they Begin to make changes to gun laws that Americans are calling for my God Absolutely stupid A huge RNC event who knows how many Floral arrangements they're going to Need you're talking tens of thousands of Dollars okay Have you ever planned a wedding you know What flowers cost for a wedding I mean when I was at Sarah Huckabee Sanders gubernatorial ball 2 000 people attending every single Table setting had a massive floral Display the flowers were everywhere I mean I could only imagine the cost or Those flowers And these idiots In response Tennessee house Republican Caucus chairman Jeremy Faizon fired back

To the florist on Twitter he said then The RNC will find another florist easily Who cares that's the beauty of the free Market only the left would punish Someone for not agreeing with their Moral positions conservative shrug find An alternative and move on let them lose Their money This news as the National Rifle Association just wrapped up their annual Meeting in Indianapolis for a number of A number of announced and expected 2024 GOP Presidential candidates including Trump DeSantis and U.S ambassador and Former U.S ambassador Nikki Haley spoke In support of gun rights since last Month's national school shooting the Conversation about gun reform has Intensified in Tennessee with two State Lawmakers expelled for participating in Demonstrations on the state house floor In support of gun control in the wake of Their expulsions both to Justin Pearson And Justin Jones were reinstated to the House additionally Tennessee governor Bill Lee also announced this week that He will strengthen background checks for Buying firearms in the state At the end of the day the Republican Party will continue to stand up for free Speech individual rights and Traditional Values and we will not be silenced or Bullied by those on the other side of The aisle our commitment to freedom and

Liberty will always Prevail and we will Continue to fight for what we believe in Regardless of the obstacles placed in Our path Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report you Know there's an epidemic of bad sleep in America an estimated 164 million Americans wake up tossing and turning at Night due to habits such as long work Hours caffeine and stress one study of Over 4 000 adults found that 27 percent Had trouble following or staying asleep Most nights the problem of poor sleep May be one of the most ignored and Urgent issues of our time now this is a Product I've been using to improve my Sleep I've been using it for a few Months now and I absolutely love it a Great tasting alternative to taking a Handful of supplements on a daily basis This amazing pill contains seven Essential vitamins and minerals Recommended by industry experts after Starting it I've been able to wake up Feeling more energized and clear-headed Keeping my days super productive in General I've been happier and less Fatigued visit by clicking on the More button below this video with the Promo code nnn you can save up to 51

Percent today go to www dot get good now we'll see you at the Next report for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network Foreign