Transportation secretary P Buddha Judge's latest claims about the dangers Of America's roads are causing uproar Blaming racial discrimination for the High number of fatalities but a judge Suggested that black and brown Americans Tribal citizens and Rural residents are Much more likely to die on the roads he Went on to claim that the problem is Related to the way that roads are built And designed insinuating that minorities Are not given access to the same level Of safety features these claims have Reignited the debate about racial Discrimination in America but some are Accusing but a judge of ignoring more Pressing issues facing the country is it Time for the transportation secretary to Focus on real problems instead of Chasing unfounded conspiracy theories I'm Gary franchi I want you to keep up With the latest news tap subscribe and Enable your notifications The Secretary of Transportation Pete Butterjudge has made a shocking Accusation that America's roads are Designed to discriminate against Minorities resulting in thousands of Deaths each year his claims were made During an interview with Al Sharpton on MSNBC and they set up a firestorm of Controversy in this report we'll explore Buddha judge's arguments and question Whether he is ignoring more significant

Issues that require attention Take a look We've got a crisis when it comes to Roadway fatalities in America we lose About 40 000 people every year it's a level That's comparable to gun violence and we See a lot of racial disparities black And brown Americans tribal citizens and Rural residents much more likely to lose Their lives whether it's in a car or as A pedestrian being hit by a car there Are a lot of reasons related to Discrimination related to the even the Ways that roads are designed and built Who has access to a safe Street design That's got crosswalks and good lighting Who doesn't have that access that can Drive disparities and we have a Responsibility to act on them Foreign That the death toll on America's roads Is comparable to that of gun violence And that racial disparities exists Resulting in a much higher likelihood of Fatalities for black and brown Americans Tribal citizens and Rural residents According to Buddha judge this disparity Is caused by the way that roads are Designed and built minority groups are Not given access to Safe Street designs With crosswalks and good lighting that's According to the transportation Secretary some have accused but a judge

Of being more concerned with virtue Signaling than addressing real problems In America critics argue that the Secretary of Transportation should focus On the country's broken supply chain Formula shortage or toxic train Derailments instead of chasing unfounded Conspiracy theories however budget Doubled down on his claim stating that The racial disparity on roads is related To discrimination he stated that roads Are intentionally designed in a way that Puts minorities at risk resulting in Significantly higher death tolls for These groups the outrage has ignited a Fierce debate about racial Discrimination in America with many Questioning budget's motives and raising Questions about his decision to ignore Real problems in America The allegations made by the Transportation secretary Pete butter Judge that America's roads are Deliberately designed to discriminate Against minorities are causing a Significant uproar his comments have Reignited the debate about racial Discrimination in America but many are Questioning whether it's produce his Priorities are in the right place As the country faces a range of pressing Issues it's essential that government Officials prioritize real problems Rather than chasing unfounded conspiracy

Theories let's continue the conversation In the comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report the News is Relentless isn't it we can't Even comprehend it all let alone figure Out how it affects our finances a Majority of the time we might make Disastrous mistakes if we don't stay one Step ahead but we can save ourselves From Financial ruin if we do but where Can we find Reliable tips like these Well you got to check out Noble Gold's YouTube Channel videos by knowledgeable Presenters keep you up to date on all The latest Financial developments and Explain what they mean behind the screen How they impact your savings with over Thirteen thousand subscribers Noble gold Can help you see the forests for the Trees subscribe now to Noble Gold's YouTube channel we'll see you at the Next report for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network

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