I'm not going to use your language which I think is I'm wrong to say that it's Mayhem I'm so glad that she is going out the Door but something worse is on the Horizon for Chicago and they got a taste Of it this weekend and now Chicagoans Are living in fear Are you well you're not alone the recent Chaos and destruction in Chicago and Other cities Across America have left Ordinary Americans terrified for their Safety Lawless thugs are terrorizing Innocent drivers and criminals are Celebrating in Democrat strongholds with Progressive policies and lawlessness Becoming a deadly combination for American cities Law and Order are in Crisis it's time to ask yourself are you Prepared for the Stark Choice facing American voters Street Safe Streets or Anarchy don't wait until it's too late Don't be the next victim of Democrats-sponsored crime waves so who Is to blame for the chaos in Chicago We're going to tell you I'm Gary franchi Only to keep up with the latest news tap Subscribe and enable your notifications Brandon Johnson who was recently elected As the new mayor of Chicago made a Statement that has caused controversy And backlash speaking to a group Advocating for a future without police Johnson asserted that black people

Should not be subjected to the Oppressive power of State-sponsored policing as a means of Fighting back against systemic white Supremacy however less than two weeks After his remarks downtown Chicago Erupted in chaos and violence leading Many to question the wisdom of Johnson's Words the recent chaos in downtown Chicago and other cities across the Country has left ordinary Americans Living in fear their lives the Progressive policies of democrat Politicians have emboldened criminals Leaving our streets in chaos in our Communities in ruins in this report We'll examine the root causes of this Lawlessness and suggest practical Solutions to restore our cities Here's a taste of what's to come Oh My God Don't run come over here Now we got a perfect shot All right Now Are you on citizen or no I am Unreal during a CBS news interview the Former mayor of Chicago made a statement That what viewers witnessed on the news Was not considered to be Mayhem watch And here's the thing the vast majority Of the young people that came downtown Came downtown because it was a great

Weather and an opportunity to enjoy the City that's absolutely entirely Appropriate there are a few that came With different intentions and they have They have and they will be dealt with But I'm not going to use your language Which I think is I'm wrong to say that As Mayhem But that's what it was Lori it was Mayhem and the act of avoiding Responsibility and not resolving an Issue is a common tactic utilized in Gaslighting situations the recent Violence in Chicago is a direct Consequence of the Democrat Party and Mayor life that's soft on crime policies Brandon Johnson's statement that people Should not be subject to state-sponsored Policing is a perfect example of this Mentality it is this kind of thinking That has allowed lawlessness to become Normalized in democrat-controlled cities As a result we're seeing hundreds of Teenagers smashing car windows Destroying public and private property And engaging in random shootings watch Unbelievable This kind of behavior is not unique to Chicago other cities such as Baltimore Austin Texas have all experienced Similar incidents this was a scene in Baltimore just last week Your name Absolute lawlessness

The defunding of police by Democrat Politicians has allowed criminals to run Rampant leaving ordinary citizens Vulnerable to these attacks major Retailers have fled the area as a result In law-abiding citizens have been left To fend for themselves and instead are Instead of protesting politicians They're protesting Walmart watch Well we have health care deserts we have Food deserts yes sir and we wonder why Yes sir our communities look like they Look I think that we have violence every Single day It is just not on us it is on the Corporate citizens that come into our Community and ravage our community For yourself You are the reason that our communities Lack the investment that they have we Should not have to go out of our Communities to find jobs we should not Have to go out of our communities to get Medicine we should not go out of our Communities to be able to shop we should Be able to do all of this in our Community right here we deserve deserve We deserve To be able to shop yes sir work yeah Wait yes in our own community It's utterly revolting that local Activists would hold a rally to protest Walmart's decision to close its doors The ultimate blame for the situation

Doesn't lie with businesses like Walmart For their lack of investment in Communities that don't support them Rather what's needed is solid policing And consequences not reparations and Social workers as a solution allowing Criminals to wreak havoc on our cities Is not the answer in order to bring About positive change we must invest in Our neighborhoods and promote Law and Order this means actually enforcing the Laws on the Lawless and taking Preventative measures to stop chaos and Destruction before it occurs if we did Not act now our cities will continue to Spiral out of control and innocent People will continue to suffer The recent chaos and destruction and Democrat controlled cities is a wake-up Call for all Americans we must stand up And demand that our politicians put the Safety of law-abiding citizens first This means promoting Law and Order Investing in our neighborhoods and Holding criminals accountable for their Actions we cannot allow our cities to be Overrun by lawlessness Thank you for watching that report I'd Like to ask you a question are Widespread food shortages the next big Thing as far as I can tell it looks like It whenever I look around it seems like Everything is going to come crashing Down at any moment you're ready aren't

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