It’s NOT ‘Just Beer’! Sara Gonzales Goes OFF on Whoopi Goldberg’s Clueless Bud Light Comments

It's NOT 'Just Beer'! Sara Gonzales Goes OFF on Whoopi Goldberg's Clueless Bud Light Comments

Quick to try and recover from the trans Madness and Fallout after the Short-lived Dylan Mulvaney partnership Anheuser-Busch took another stab at Actually advertising toward their Market Demographic which as it turns out the Not real big Dylan Mulvaney fans Shocker The company released a new noticeably Pro-america Budweiser ad featuring one Of their signature Clydesdales running Across the country while a narrator Talked about the American Spirit watch Thank you [Music] Let me tell you a story About a beer Rooted in the heart of America Found in a community Where a handshake is a sure contract Brood for those who found opportunity in Challenge and Hope In tomorrow Raised by Generations Willing to sip share Risk remember [Music] Is a story Bigger than beer This is the story of the American Spirit [Music] Well spoiler alert if Bud was looking to Patch things up with their consumers They did not achieve that goal the Backlash was Swift and severe Americans

Were seemingly more annoyed than ever That not only did Bud completely betray Their formerly loyal consumers they also Didn't acknowledge the Betrayal at all But the views Whoopi Goldberg insists That it shouldn't be a Democrat or Republican issue because Beer just isn't political watch welcome Back before we start about this I'm Going to say this out loud I'm a big Butt but wiser fan when I drank I liked My butt why I said okay so I have a lot Of feeling about this Bud Lights ad Campaign with transient fluid Dylan McDermott [Laughter] That's right ignited an angry Conservative backlash and a boycott that Included online trends of people posting Videos destroying cases of Bud Light in Various stupid ways the company puts out A statement saying they didn't mean to Address an issue that divided people but I want to know what are you so angry About Beer does not have a I mean it's not a Democrat or a republican it doesn't Happen it doesn't have a belief system It's just bill Oh it's fascinating that the same people Who created the boycott culture the same People who wrote The Playbook for using Public pressure in order to mainstream Their ideology now all of a sudden don't

Want companies to be political who do You think started this whoopee who do You think made it impossible to separate Private companies from politics who Insisted in on incorporating ESG and Dei Into American businesses who forced Companies to post black squares on Instagram to support the domestic Terrorist group black lives matter who Insisted every company that ever existed Put out a public statement on their Thoughts about the Ukrainian War you you Guys did that and now that we're Following your playbook you want to Change the terms of the game beer isn't Democrat or republican no everything is Now democrat or republican according to You you set the rules so let's play the Game here to discuss this and more I Have Chad Prather host of the Chad Prather show and Lieutenant Colonel Alan West of course former congressman and The executive director of acru thank you Gentlemen for being here today Um it is just it's mind-boggling to me That now that conservatives have finally I don't know gotten their head out of Their asses long enough to do something Like this like actually make a change Actually stand up and say we're not Going to do this anymore Now all of a sudden Oh Come please beer is just beer it's Not democrat or republican as if they

Have not been forcing every single Private company to make some sort of a Political statement for the last what 10 Years five years yeah I look I'm Enjoying watching it yeah I and I get Anheuser-Busch employs a lot of people Who have nothing to do with this debacle And if they continue to lose profits Then those people are going to be the Ones who suffer which is all the more Reason why people like us who have a Platform need to speak out against this Because as long as the Anheuser bushes Of the world who are members of the World economic Forum are continuing Continuing to get pressure from the Vanguards and the black rocks and the Wefs to be a company that's building Their ESG scores and making sure that Their woke agenda is the narrative That's being pushed uh listen if if the Big companies are going to Cave to it The little companies in America don't Have a chance I mean they'll never Survive so it's now that I think we do Have to stand up and say okay we're not Going to be ruled by your Paradigm in Your worldview and when you push this on The American people and you say who's About beer it's not about beer it's About pushing a transgender agenda trans Sexist agenda in the wake of a shooting That was carried out in Nashville Tennessee by a transgender terrorist and

You through you you threw everybody Under the bus and said you know for We're just going to ignore that and We're going to make this guy who has Pretended to be a little girl for 365 Days a voice for this uh dysphoria and I'm glad to see it I mean every store I Go into I always check to see how much Bud light's still on the on the rack and It's full nobody's buying that swill I Mean they're just not doing I'm not a Beer Drinker I I mean I I don't I go a Little harder than that but I'm not Really missing out anything I'm not missing out on anything Colonel Well first of all we got to ask did the Clydesdale identify I mean we got to make sure that that's Clear but it's so interesting so Hypocritical that the viewers on ABC and There's another show that's on ABC Called Dancing with the Stars and I Remember when Sean Spicer was invited to Be on Dancing With the Stars and the Left went apoplectic saying that let's Not look at it get kick him off or Whatever so you know maybe she forgot That the the network that she's on you Know tried to go after and cancel the Program or kick off a conservative Person but you're right this whole thing About what you know bud and Nike now With the sports bra what they're all Doing is because of a leftist

Organization the Human Rights Commission Or Council whatever they call themselves Which is a major Lgbtqia WXYZ organization funded by George Soros and they're coming out with This corporate Equity index and they're Putting pressure on these corporations To do exactly what Bud Light did so Again they need to look at themselves in The mirror because they're the one ones That are going out there saying you Better do what we want or else right and That's just the Bible I mean Mrs Butterworth they erased a black woman And your mama they erased a black woman Uncle Ben a race to black man they kept Quaker Oats dude uh they kept Dylan Mulvaney so two white guys made it Through the land of lakes is an Interesting one they kicked the Native American off and kept the land that was Yourself it sounds familiar So Colonel you mentioned you want to Know how the horse identified the Clydesdale identified I want to play for You guys Mr Reagan a great great follow On YouTube you guys should check his Channel out he created a parody to this Budweiser commercial let's watch that Hi there my name is Prancer I identify As a reindeer this ad is what we call Damage control our thinking is maybe if We post an ad with our iconic Clydesdale That identifies as a reindeer and we say

Vaguely patriotic things this is the Story of the American Spirit people will Like us again incidentally I used to Have a deep rich baritone voice then I Started drinking Bud Light it changes You look at these two typical American Firemen we can't put two white people Together in a mad we still have to Virtue signal a little I mean we're Still woke we're just not that woke Here's another couple of people also two Different races I mean honestly what we Really need to do is just say oh we up but we all know that's not Gonna happen so just look at the pretty Horse that identifies as a reindeer and Drink Budweiser again if you don't bait Said they're taking me to the glue Factory look there's two more dudes is That guy white is he Hispanic nobody Knows he's what we call ethnically Ambiguous our favorite race of all this White guy gets it so remember Folks at Budweiser we'll always be a little woke This bud's not for you you know maybe Cutting my tail off is a mistake what do You guys think well it's too late now no Coming back from that What no is is great and it really is Offensive and condescending that Somebody in anheirs a bush said let's Just you know put this commercial Together and they'll forget it all right Right well we'll win them back with the

Clydesdale that's condescending it's Totally condescending yeah That's how Little they think of you yes so they They made it worse right they come they Made it yeah and they don't care because First of all this We are the American Spirit you're owned By Belgian companies and then or a Handshake matters is St Louis really I Don't I don't know how many of y'all Been in England yeah yeah I don't know How often y'all go to St Louis these Days don't Um but yeah this is a very Patriot Patronized patronizing condescending way Of doing this but they don't care and They don't have to care because they've Got the black hole depths of money Behind them as benefactors to make sure As long as they do the woke agenda They'll be fine so so speaking of that Uh over the weekend I don't know how Many people are still watching Saturday Night Live people is there seven maybe It's up to seven I think it's the cast It's just the cast and like they're They're spouses yeah they're just Watching it so they introduced their First yay non-binary cast member this is Molly Kearney who uses they them Pronouns and went on SNL to talk about The growing list of you know Anti-trans laws moving across the Country it's always anti-trans we don't

Want to mutilate children that's Anti-trans she says watch goes for far Too long and I'm starting to feel like a Freaking Republican lawmaker hello That's an awesome transition so as of This week Are now over 14 states that have passed Bills restricting health care for Trans Kids listen to that Michael yeah Restricting health care for kids for Some reason there's something about the Word trans that makes people forget the Word kids if you don't care about trans Kids lives it means you don't care about Freaking kids lives [Applause] I thought this was a comedy show oh oh But wait It's not supposed to be political it's Not supposed to be democrat or Republican oh but wait that it literally Is always about politics with these People and it's fascinating if you don't Want a child to get mutilated you don't Care about kids that's Really weird dichotomy I'm hearing right Now So remember what a year ago 18 months Ago the big topic was toxic masculinity Right they went after that you had to Have the beta males anything that was Masculine was evil so they went after That basically destroyed the idea of Manhood then they went after women

Because this rationalization is a Complete It's I mean they're stereotyping women One thing but they're not only taking Their place in sports and positions Of society but they're going after the Children right and the children most Vulnerable among us and not only has the Abortion issue been a major thing for a Long time and certainly we've talked About that with the repealing of Roe v Wade but now they're going after born Children and just call it and again Because if you can redefine redefine men Redefine women masculinity femininity Then you can redefine things like health Care and you can call lopinoff genitals And chemical castration and hormone Therapies you can call that Healthcare That's not health care that's that's Medically altering someone that's that's A slasher movie that's like kind to the Opposite of Health Care Colonel is Totally the opposite of Health Care and It's not gender affirm and cares gender Mutilation because you're still a Biological male a biological female You're not changing your DNA your Chromosomes you know or any of this type Of stuff but what is interesting to me Is that the the biological female who Plays in la la land it thinks she is now A male that goes into a Christian School And shoots three nine-year-old kids two

Of which were little girls that's okay You know that no one cares about their Lives but if you prevent us from being Able to go in and mutilate bodies with Children you are now you're restricting Them from having Health Care Now what is So disconcerting and disturbing for me Now is that the military is coming out And saying that we will go down and we Will do this to your children in the Military and we want to inform you of That so no no parental consent these are People in the military so now all of a Sudden I am deployed to our Afghanistan And the next thing you know someone Makes a decision that they're going to Put my child under a mutilation surgery So when I come back from Iraq Afghanistan you know my daughter's Breasts have been lumped off because she Said so and you did not inform me and Tell me that that's why we have this Lack of retention lack of recruiting in Our military because they're telling us That our children aren't our children we Own your children and the fact that the State of Washington just passed a law Yeah it says you will go to jail parent If you do not allow your child to say That I want this surgery done they can't Go out and vote they can't go out and Smoke they can't go out and buy Bud Light if they want to buy Bud Light they Can't go out and buy a gun but somehow

This child under the age of 18 who Cannot vote can make a decision about Surgery and the military thing it's Gotten so so bad Um in the military with this wokism and I feel like it just kind of goes back to Chad what you mentioned with coming After what they call toxic masculinity And now however many years later we have A military that has just completely lost Its balls yeah I both metaphorically and Literally because they're they're just Chopping them off and telling them that They're women so um it is really Frightening to see continue to just go Further and further down that slippery Slope if you like that clip there is Plenty more where that came from click The link in the description below to Subscribe to the news and why it matters YouTube channel to watch the full Episode