It's official Walmart is closed its Doors on four stores in Chicago due to Poor sales in the troubled City but Instead of addressing the real problems Causing this activists are not playing The race card and threatening boycotts Inner city residents already struggling To make ends meet or left to wonder how They will access groceries and Prescriptions the situation begs the Question why won't Democrat leaders Focus on cleaning up crime and Corruption instead of blaming Walmart For their own failures well the answer Is simple they need a scapegoat to Divert attention from their own Incompetence in this shocking expose we Reveal the truth behind Walmart's Departure from Chicago and exposed the Agenda to destroy inner cities I'm Gary Franchi and I want you to keep up with The latest news to help subscribe and Enable your notifications Activists in Chicago are fuming after Walmart announced they'll be closing its Doors in the city due to poor sales but Instead of realizing that this kind of Economic failure in inner cities is Caused by rampant crime and Corruption Activists are blaming Walmart for their Failures it's easier to vilify Walmart Than to take responsibility for their Own incompetence on Thursday local Activists held a rally to protest
Walmart's decision to close its doors Demanding that they remain open in Addition to their demands activists Accuse Walmart of racism and even Threatened to launch a boycott against The company watch Oh we have Healthcare deserts we have Food deserts yes sir and we wonder why Yes sir our communities look like they Look that we have violence every single Day It is just not on us it is on the Corporate citizens that come into our Community and ravage our community Church Absolutely ashamed of yourself You are the reason that our communities Lack the investment that they have we Should not have to go out of our Communities to find jobs we should not Have to go out of our communities to get Medicine we should not go out of our Communities to be able to shop we should Be able to do all of this in our Community right here we deserve Yes in our own community The reality is that Walmart fought for Years to open stores in Chicago but Found it challenging to operate in a City plagued by crime and Corruption Despite Walmart's efforts to be a good Neighbor the retailer was met with Hostility from activist groups who Protested its presence and now that
Walmart is leaving due to low sales Activists are playing the race card and Threatening boycotts but blaming Walmart For the failure of democrat leaders to Clean up these troubled cities is Misguided Walmart operates successfully In predominantly minority areas all over The country it's only in places like Chicago where crime and Corruption are Rampant that Walmart cannot thrive Instead of making unfounded accusations Of racism activists need to focus on the Real problems at hand crime and Corruption the only way for Walmart to Remain in these neighborhoods is if Officials address these problems but Democrats are unlikely to do so as they Need scapegoats to divert attention from Their own incompetence they would rather Play into far-left pro-crime ideals and Address the root cause of the problem Their own failed policies it's a vicious Cycle that's unlikely to end anytime Soon until residents of these inner Cities start to demand Real Change by Voting on officials who refuse to Address the root cause of the problem Walmart's exit from these neighborhoods Is just the tip of the iceberg As the dust settles on Walmart's Departure from Chicago it's clear that The blame game won't be solving the City's deep-seated problems it's time to Face the harsh reality that poverty
Crime and Corruption are serious issues That must be addressed at their root Activists Who attack Walmart for its Decision to close doors in these Neighborhoods missed the mark entirely Walmart has been a committed partner in These communities providing jobs and Affordable Goods to those who need the Most but when violence and disorder run Rampant even the most driven corporate Players must make tough choices Until Democrat leaders and Community Organizers can create a safe and stable Environment for businesses Walmart's Departure from Chicago won't be the last Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thanks for watching that report and the Latest survey of Americans nearly half Of them also selected eating healthier Exercising more or losing weight as Their primary goal in the near future in Spite of the fact that 9 out of 10 People who make resolutions are Confident they'll stick to them nearly 80 percent of them are likely to fail to Accomplish them in order to jump start Your New Year resolutions I recommend Starting with this amazing keto powder As one of the easiest ways to help you Achieve your goals regardless of where You are on your health Journey you can Reap the benefits of being in ketosis
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