UN Moves to Seize New Emergency Powers That Threaten to Destroy American Sovereignty!

UN Moves to Seize New Emergency Powers That Threaten to Destroy American Sovereignty!

Are you ready for the United Nations to Take control of every country the U.N is Now seeking vast new powers that could Allow them to do just that while Destroying American sovereignty in the Process I’m rich Crenshaw fight fake news with The truth every day arm yourself tap Subscribe enable notifications and fight Back with Next News Network Before I get to that ad blockers are now Recommended by the FBI due to cyber Crimes Resurgence now I’ve been using Virtual Shield VPN for a year and I Absolutely love it by browsing Anonymously I can protect myself my data And my finances go to virtualshield.com Nextnews for a 60-day total risk-free Trial to start browsing the internet Anonymously tap more Below if you’re using a mobile device Now back to the news The United Nations has been a Contentious issue for many years for Many Americans With some believing that it represents a Real threat to our nation’s sovereignty However recent developments have shown That these fears may not be unfounded After all the UN is now seeking vast new Powers that could allow them to take Control of every country and undermine American interests this article will Delve into the specifics of the un’s

Recent resolution on peace and security And its potential impact on U.S Sovereignty The un’s push for these new powers comes In the form of a resolution Entitled peace and security which was Recently passed by the general assembly This resolution calls for an increase in The number of peacekeepers deployed Around the world as well as increased Funding for these operations it also Calls for greater cooperation between Nations in order to ensure Global Security And stability What makes this resolution particularly Concerning though is its potential Implications for U.S sovereignty if Passed it would give the UN Unprecedented power over all countries Including the United States this could Mean anything from increased taxes on U.S citizens to restrictions on U.S Military operations abroad It could even mean a complete takeover Of U.S government functions by International organizations such as the World Bank or IMF the international Monetary fund The implications of this so-called Resolution Are far-reaching and could have Devastating consequences for America’s Future

Not only would it strip away our Sovereignty but it could also lead to Increased taxes and regulations on Businesses higher costs for consumers And decreased economic growth overall Additionally it could open up Opportunities for foreign governments or Organizations to interfere in U.S Affairs without any accountability or Oversight from Congress or other Domestic institutions The Chinese Communist Party Has a strong presence within the United Nations and many believe it already Wields too much influence Allowing the United Nations to manage Global emergencies as akin to entrusting The Chinese Communist party with the Fate of the Free World former U.S Assistant Secretary of State for International organizations Kevin moly Warns that allowing the U.N to deal with This is the equivalent of putting the CCP in charge of global emergencies The United Nations corruption problems Are well documented in their track Record of dealing with previous Emergencies is lackluster the global Organization is inefficient bureaucratic And prone to fraud we simply cannot Trust the United Nations With global emergencies or anything else For that matter U.N Secretary General Antonio guterres

Laid out his vision for empowering the United Nations but this is nothing more Than Empire Building guteras is seeking To bolster Global governments and Governance and uh Give the United Nations more power and Reach this call for stronger International corporate cooperation is Nothing but a thinly veiled attempt to Consolidate power and establish a new World order And it’s clear that this resolution Poses a serious threat to American Sovereignty and should not be taken Lightly by U.S citizens or their Representatives in Congress we must Remain Vigilant and oppose any attempts By the U.N or other International bodies To infringe upon our rights as a nation Or undermine our national security Interests We must also continue to advocate for Policies that protect our freedoms and Promote economic Prosperity at home and Abroad and if you notice around the World that vacuum is a power vacuum Because there’s no leadership in America And everybody knows that If when this guy’s out of office and There’s stronger leadership all the the Cut the world is going to be a different Place in these these these evil axis of Evil players throughout the world aren’t Going to be able to make any more moves

So they’re jockeying for position now And we see it all the time let us know What you think about all this for the Next News Network I’m rich crankshaw see You next time Thank you for watching that report using Ad lockers while browsing the web is now Recommended by the FBI in a new report It’s revealed that an identity theft Occurs every 22 seconds the risks of Identity fraud data breaches account Hacks and more has never been greater Today’s sponsor virtual Shield has been My go-to security program for the past Year and with virtual Shield I can Browse the internet anonymously Protecting myself my data and my Finances from cyber criminals virtual Shield is an industry-leading VPN that Offers anonymous browsing strict no Logging policy unlimited bandwidth and Built-in malware and ad blocking you can Start browsing the internet anonymously By using my link below or simply by Going to virtualshield.com nextnews and Get a 60-day total risk-free trial if You’re on mobile tap more below we’ll See you at the next report for the next News Network I’m Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for

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