Okay Kremlin connection right so again More and more did they connect do we Have evidence that he talked I don't Believe that they connected but again Where's the smoke where's the effort I Mean I know all this stuff where's the Evidence well first Tucker don't confuse Evidence with a conclusion evidence Gives the FBI and the Department of Justice For you look I watch Rachel Maddow I get It I know there are a lot of Russians After more than a year of this well do You have any prosecutor I don't have Subpoena power Bob Mueller does all I'm Saying the security clearance and you're On the Intel committee so presumably You'd have more than like a clip of him I'm only giving you the evidence that I've seen in an unclassified manner so I'm telling you that all of that Warrants looking at whether we could Prove Beyond A Reasonable Doubt Conspiracy did fraud the United States Those are the working on that I mean We've been working well a lot of for a Long time not with the obstruction that We continue to see the continued Undermining the trying to so that's it That's all you got no no no okay so What's the part I haven't heard tell me I'm waiting I'm because I want to look If he's it's right in front of your nose Tucker tell me what it's right in front
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Of yourself with more secret messages or Tell me again Tucker when we look back On this in 25 years we're going to be Amazed at how much of it was right in Front of us so they're hacking there's Approaching Chinese at that point people Thought Russia was the threat isn't that Weird there's approaches they never turn Down any of the approaches the candidate Makes an invitation in broad daylight as You said they could need to try and Arrange meetings through the summer and Then you start to have what I call you Know the quit if there's a quid pro quo There has to be a quote right if there's A transaction that's taking place you Start to of course there's the Candidates positive favorable statements About Putin even if those are just as You said so we have a better Relationship with Russia how do you Explain the National Security advisor The incoming National Security advisor Michael Flynn who had been over to Russia just a year before telling the Russians don't worry about the Barack Obama imposed sanctions how do you Explain that explain it how to explain Bringing the Russians into the Oval Office giving them National Security I Would hope that we would stop with the Sanctions on Russia I think they're Counterproductive but the Trump Administration has done just the
Opposite so we spent Javelin missiles to The Ukrainian Rebels we've opened up Domestic oil production here which hurts Them in gas production we have killed Over 200 Russians in Syria we have Bombed the government of Bashar al-assad Which is their closest Ally outside Their borders in what sense has he been Pro-russia as president when I say this With sadness because I don't think you Should be doing any of that yeah well All the favorable things that he says Bringing Russians into the Oval Office Kicking out Americans letting Russian Press can we just be reality based Really quick failure to impose the Congressionally past sanctions you know How hard we had to work the public Sentiment what about killing the 200 Russians he's been did he kill her He sent the U.S military I don't see That you're giving too much credit I Don't know he's like I'm not flacking For Trump he's I don't think he should Have done it You're absolutely I'm just telling Old 200 Russians Obama did not do that He sent missiles to Ukrainian Rebels Obama did not do that he is competing in Energy with them in a way Obama never Tried why is he more pro-russian than Obama was don't confuse what he has to Do because the public sentiment is so High and watching again you give him too
Much credit you're giving them too much Credit giving him credit I'm criticizing Him I don't think he should be doing any Of it I'm just saying this whole thing Is insane that's what I'm saying I'm a little confused you're the Protector of Stormy Daniels Stormy Daniels is right now working in strip Clubs and little towns on stage people Are throwing things at her you're Wearing a thousand dollar suit why is You why are you not paying her you've Profited from Stormy Daniels you've done Tens of millions of dollars worth of Free media on the basis of your Relationship with her and she's working In strip clubs you're exploiting her and You know that why aren't you paying her Some of what you're making sure this is Absurd those are the facts no you don't Know the facts as evidenced by the fact Is she working in strip clubs are you Going to continue to interrupt me are You going to I do know the facts Actually no you don't because it you Just demonstrated your ignorance because You didn't even know Michael Cohen pled To two felonies associated with the Candidate believe that what Cohen did And I'm not defending Cohen I never have Was a campaign Finance relationship I Think that's absurd he pled guilty to Two felonies so everyone who pleads look This is we have an honest I don't think
It was a campaign Finance violation Stormy Daniels was to perform in Richmond in a depressing strip club this Hero that you say you're protecting You're her protector why is she working In CD strip clubs while you're on Television wearing expensive suits why Are you not exploiting her why is she Doing that because she wants to Tucker This is America this is America and Guess what if a woman wants to perform In a strip club she does so it's even Getting rich even though people I'm not Getting rich even though people like her Even though people like you demean her You're the one who's you're the one that Refers to her consistently as a porn Star and is to me as a creepy porn Lawyer and meanwhile you give the President meanwhile you give the President a pass who had unprotected sex With the porn star with a four-month-old Son at home well you are a moralizer for A guy who knows what you do no but you Are the oh you are a little moralizer You're like we're in church now with a Four-month-old son okay I'm officially Shocked by Donald Trump's Behavior I had No idea it blew my mind but answer my Question why are you rich and your Client is working in CD strip clubs sir Do you have any idea how much money I've Earned you're on every cable show you're Running for president now you have no
Idea I know that you haven't paid your Taxes because you've got over a million Dollars ridiculous you don't even know It's not fast food you don't even know You're a million dollars I'm just saying Why is she still how do you have a show And you're this ignorant how is that Here's what I know for a fact is that Your client is not thriving and for you To look at me in the eye and say she Wants to perform in strip clubs with People throwing stuff at her is Insulting to her people don't do that Unless they have no choice or she just Likes it is that what you're saying Tucker now you're the defender of my Client you don't know anything about it You don't even know you don't know Anything about my client explaining I Know that she's working in a strip club Can I finish please do all right I've Done a remarkable job for my client and She'll be the first one to tell you that And had you listen to any of her Interviews or seen any of her comments You would know exactly what she thinks Of me I am not I'm not done I am not Exploiting my client I'm representing my Client to the absolutely Pretend to be a Booker from CNN to get Through to you you know that's that's That's disgusting why don't you show What's disgusting is why don't you Respect to my client and me and stop
Calling us a porn star and a creepy porn Lawyer if you've got that big I've Actually porn do you have that bigger Problem When's the last time you saw porn Actually made the humiliation porn That's why I watch you on CNN no but When's the last time When's the last time you viewed porn Even than I realized you're dodging with The question that I have asked you let Me ask you questions do you believe that People that viewporn should watch your Show I'm not even sure what that question Means but I will say this sincerely that I have never attacked Stormy Daniels yes You have I think you are exploiting her As I've said five times and you haven't Answered the question which is why is it That her life has stalled and your life Has you're planning a new career as a Politician and like so many lawyers you Were taking advantage of her and you Pose as a feminist hero because you are Shameless and the other channels let you Get away with it but you're an exploiter Of a woman and you should be ashamed of It and you're right that is my and You're that is are you gonna let me Finish More time than I promise you know what You're talking about it's nice to see You but I'm not trying
Still want to condemn the Russians Did the Russians Make this election outcome different From what it would have been otherwise How specifically did they quote hack our Democracy we will never know you know Whether this was determinative any more Than director The means they used were hacking into Democratic institutions uh and the Leaking of documents designed in the Primary process to sow division between The Clinton and Sanders camps something We saw actually took place as a result Of that and then in the general election To uh attempt to discredit Secretary of State Clinton in a way that would harm Her and would help Donald Trump how did They do that well it was pretty obvious Wasn't it they hacked they released uh Documents that were that were oh yes They were real and they were ones that Were damaging to secretary Clinton can You point to documents that they were Damaging to but are you arguing let's Just get to the bottom line you're upset Because you think this affected the Election I get why you're upset but are You arguing that voters Are you arguing that voters should not Have seen that information this is an Important point though it's not just the Fact that it damaged the candidi was Supporting all Americans Democrats and
Republicans and particularly you know of The party of Reagan ought to be Concerned when we have Russia but are You arguing that voters should not have Had the right to see that information if You could take it back would you say Voters you're not allowed to see that Information well I would say that we Ought to stop Russia from doing this now Whether the Press should publish the Information do you think they should That is a different question I think That there are some cases where the Public interest is so great they should Publish but I also think and this was an Issue I took with a press during the Campaign that when they do publish Information that the Russians have Hacked and the Russians want us to see They ought to inform the public of the Providence of those emails Don't know that you don't know that the Government yeah I think it's really Irresponsible for you to say you know The government you know what is Irresponsible Tucker for you to make That claim without looking at the Evidence and more importantly you can't Say that you know the Putin government More importantly for the president-elect Today to to say that he doesn't know Whether you're you're you're on the Intel committee let me just ask you one Final question can you look right into
The camera and say I know for a fact the Government of Vladimir Putin was behind The hacks of John podesta absolutely the Government of Vladimir Putin was behind The hacks of our institution and the Dumpster of John podesta not only in the Industry but also in Europe okay you're Not you know what you're Dutch and Tucker he'll look and say I know they Did jumping and I think that uh Ronald Reagan You're carrying water for the Kremlin You're carrying water for them And you can't say You're Gonna you're Gonna have to move your shoulder to RT Russian television because you know what This is perfect this is beneath your Office because it's so dumb and you're Being duplicitous I'm asking you did They hack podesta's emails Like that Tucker you just said it was Scary Water for Putin You know when you when you is One Last Time Congressman look in the Camera and say they hacked John penis's Emails we know for a fact that Putin's Government did that you can't and you Know you can't and you're hiding behind Uh weasel words I I just said that Russians I'm not going to be specific as Well because you don't know what that's Why all right done one you don't know it And you're alleging it without any
Evidence you're ignoring the evidence Because you don't care the fact that it That it helped the Republican candidate Is all you need to know about it it's Totally false I just think if you're Going to make a serious allegation about An actual country with an actual Government you don't know what you're Talking about and you don't I think that You yeah An intelligence committee have seen for A fact if you could say it you wouldn't And you know that if you're willing to Be in denial about this because it suits A republican-elect president okay Whatever you can blather on all you want Man but I gave you a chance to State it Clearly and you wouldn't which tells you Everything you all right Yeah not very much apparently I Appreciate that congressman and now I Need to take a call from Vladimir Putin But wait a second who did the one Percent support in this election who did Every CEO the entire Tech Community all Of Finance from all of them were against Trump and by the way who's in favor of The mass immigration that you claim to Support it's businesses because they Want cheaper labor they don't want Immigrants to come in to make America More diverse they want him to come in And work for cheap wages do you see the Connection at all and why you're
Abetting that certainly a lot of Certainly a lot of you know corporate CEOs and whatnot endorsed Hillary and This is because Hillary you know was a Wall Street friendly candidate but but That's that's actually not true what You're saying I mean if you look at Trump's appointments on the past two Days he just appointed the CEO of Exxon Mobil one of the most major gas Companies in the country and actually The world too yup that he just appointed Him as Secretary of State you know the CEO of Goldman Sachs Isn't totally true no but here's what is No not really he he has appointed a Bunch of corporate people for sure but On the question of immigration they Support low-skilled low-wage immigration Business is for that you're for it too Why do you think they're for it because They want to see a more complicated Tapestry no because their labor costs Decline when they import low-skilled People who will work for Less whom they Can exploit right and that's why one of The key things that socialist students Calls for is is a 15 an hour minimum Wage for all workers because anybody who Works anybody who contributes to society Deserves to have a living wage so I Don't accept this argument that if Workers come from another country that Should allow corporations to drive down
Wages the reality is is that every Single person who works whether you're a Student okay or a working person with a Family that you should have a living Wage there's okay that's fine and no one Disagrees with that but there is massive Unemployment in the middle of the Country massive and a higher rate for Women during the Great Depression if you Bring in more workers will there be more Or less employment there will be less Employment more people can waiting for Fewer jobs this is basic economics how Can you as a socialist before that What we need is what we need is jobs Programs and the reality is is that you Know appointing a CEO what the reality Is is that appointing you know a CEO of Goldman Sachs as our you know as our Finance advisor somebody who rejects the Concept of the minimum wage look I'm Taking you seriously and you're just Repeating dumb liberal talking points be A socialist be a radical open your mind I'm serious you're not a socialist You're a lifestyle limbe that's upset About the same boring rich people topics Look at the economics of it and you know What I mean you might be looking at the Economics I feel like you're trying to Get us distracted the key message is That young people you know the majority Of high schoolers couldn't even vote for Donald Trump because they weren't old
Enough but Donald Trump's policies of Deporting immigrants making Muslims Register attacking women's rights these Things are going to affect High School Those are young people you know what the One thing about socialists is they're Kind of interesting Elon open your mind We're out of time unfortunately being Told we've got to stop but I appreciate Your coming on WE we've been invaded in A certain way and the thing that has Been so upsetting to me and I don't know How old you are Tucker but you know I Can remember when I had to hide under a Desk during the Cold War in the 50s Because we were worried that we were Going to get attacked you know by a Nuclear uh bomb and and whenever the Country has been attacked in one way or Another whether it was Pearl Harbor or 911 we've always come together as a Country to defend ourselves against our Enemy foreign enemies you know and this Is the first time because I think we're So divided as a country and we know we Are but maybe here's part of the reasons To be part of the reason because Perhaps this is I agree with you we are Very divided and maybe this is one of The reasons a lot of this is deeply Disingenuous anyone who looks at cyber Warfare will tell you any honest person Will say the Chinese military is the Primary culprit in the United States
Hacked into the White House not that Long ago into the computer system there Into almost every Federal agency nobody Said anything you guys in Hollywood sell Movies in China you bow to the Imperatives of their propaganda and Censorship office you change your movies To suit them And yet no one says we're at war with China and I wonder why so you're sucking Up to this regime that has actually Broken in and stolen industrial and Military secrets that hurt this country You say nothing until Hillary Clinton Loses and all of a sudden we're at war With Russia can you see why some of us Are saying well wait a second Rob Reiner Where were you with China why are you Selling your movies over there I'm not I'm not uh I'm not giving China A free pass here of course you are well If you guys you guys in Hollywood sell Your movies there and you allow their Censorship office to change your movies In order to make money yeah Personally do that because come on Everybody who sells a movie and China Does that you know man I mean let's stop You know what I mean kind of bsing a Little bit I mean that's real right yeah But you know here's the the difference The difference Tucker is that you know The Chinese have done some stuff we've Done stuff we've done stuff way worse
Too uh and and every society we're gonna Judge Russia because why okay this Doesn't make sense not letting me make a Point here go ahead yeah not nothing uh You know we know about stuxnet we know The capacity for cyber warfare it's not Just about hacking into uh computers and Stealing uh information it's about using That information and weaponizing it in Some way now you can weaponize it in in In uh propaganda which it has been done In this way or it can be actually Weaponized in a physical way to disrupt Power plants water supplies and so on Right the Russians have done that in the Ukraine we like I say stuxnet we did That in Iran this is not a surprise the Point is where now at this point where We have to understand the capacity here So that we can put in place the kinds of Uh uh measures we need to defend Ourselves you didn't I agree with Everything you just said I let you you Agreed with that you didn't answer my Question The question is if China is a bigger Violator in the United States than Russia and I think everyone agrees that It is why are they not in your movie Well the the China is that has not Insinuated themselves directly into our Democratic process into our life being Serious of course they have I mean They've stolen information directly from
The U.S government from our political Figures from the Pentagon from CIA from The White House if they're not in our Political system then I don't understand No no what the definition is I didn't Say that they weren't in the political System of course they are what I'm Saying is they didn't utilize that Material to try to affect an election in Some way I get it you know so you can See why maybe some of us are a little Bit skeptical maybe you're not selling As many movies in Russia as you are in China anyway whatever good luck with David from and Max food good to see you Rob thank you nice to see you