11 Assumptions About The Future


In this article, I will be discussing 11 assumptions about the future that may have significant implications on various aspects of our lives. These assumptions range from restrictions on freedom of movement to the introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the potential for a Greater Depression. It is important to note that while these assumptions are based on current trends and projections, the future is uncertain and subject to change. However, staying informed and preparing for potential changes can help us navigate the future more effectively.

Freedom of Movement and Vaccine Passports

  1. With the increasing emphasis on public health and safety, it is likely that freedom of movement will be restricted through the implementation of vaccine passport schemes and stricter visa requirements. This could potentially impact travel and migration patterns, as individuals may be required to provide proof of vaccination or meet additional criteria to enter certain countries.

The Rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies

  1. As technology continues to advance, there is a growing possibility that cash will be eliminated and replaced by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). CBDCs are a form of digital currency issued by central banks, offering convenience and efficiency in transactions. However, it also raises concerns about privacy and the concentration of power in the hands of central authorities.

The Emergence of Digital IDs

  1. Digital IDs, linked to biometrics, are already in use and are likely to become more prevalent in the future. These digital identification systems provide a secure and convenient way to verify one’s identity online. However, they also raise concerns about privacy, surveillance, and potential data breaches.

The Potential for a Greater Depression

  1. Economic experts project a potential stock market pullback of up to 30% and a deflationary wipeout in 2025, leading to what is referred to as a Greater Depression. This assumption is based on various factors such as high levels of debt, economic imbalances, and financial market vulnerabilities. It is important to note that these projections are based on current trends and should be interpreted with caution.

Shift towards Tangible Assets

  1. With the potential risks associated with financial assets, physical assets such as land, homes, gold, silver, and food may become more important in the future. These tangible assets can provide a sense of security and serve as a hedge against potential economic downturns and market uncertainties.

Increasing Crime and Disorder

  1. Economic desperation and social factors may drive an increase in crime and disorder, posing greater threats in urban environments. This assumption stems from the potential consequences of economic instability, increased inequality, and resource scarcity. Governments and societies will need to address these challenges through effective social policies and security measures.

Supply Constraints for Commodities

  1. Supply constraints are expected to increase for commodities such as food and energy. Factors such as climate change, population growth, and geopolitical tensions may contribute to disruptions in the global supply chain. This could result in price volatility and potential challenges in meeting basic needs.

Growing Censorship and Freedom of Expression

  1. In an increasingly digitized world, there is a concern that increased censorship will limit freedom of speech and expression. This assumption is based on the potential for governments and private entities to exert greater control over information flows and online platforms. It is important to advocate for a free and open internet while being mindful of the potential risks associated with misinformation and harmful content.

The Possibility of World War III

  1. While no one can predict the future with certainty, it is essential to acknowledge that conflicts and geopolitical tensions can escalate into more significant crises. The potential for World War III remains a topic of concern, highlighting the importance of diplomacy, international cooperation, and peaceful resolutions.

Remaining Informed and Prepared

  1. With these assumptions about the future in mind, it becomes crucial for individuals and communities to stay informed and prepare for potential changes. This includes staying updated on geopolitical developments, economic trends, and emerging technologies. By having a proactive approach, we can better navigate uncertainties and adapt to future challenges.


In conclusion, these 11 assumptions about the future shed light on potential shifts and challenges that may arise in various aspects of our lives. While the future is uncertain and subject to change, staying informed and prepared can help us navigate potential disruptions and seize opportunities. It is important to approach the future with a balanced perspective, considering both the risks and possibilities that lie ahead. By doing so, we can work towards creating a more resilient and sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.