🚨 BREAKING: Mike Pence DROPS OUT of 2024 Presidential Race in Disgrace After Tucker ENDS His Career


In a shocking turn of events, former Vice President Mike Pence has officially withdrawn from the Republican presidential primary for 2024. This decision comes after a series of devastating blows to Pence’s political career, primarily at the hands of conservative television host Tucker Carlson. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind Pence’s withdrawal and the various controversies that have led to the demise of his political aspirations.

Tucker Carlson’s Devastating Criticism

Tucker Carlson, known for his outspoken and unapologetic conservative views, played a significant role in exposing Mike Pence’s lack of concern for America. With his incisive commentary, Carlson delivered one blow after another to Pence’s reputation. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key moments that led to the downfall of Pence’s political career.

Pence’s Lackluster Campaign

One of the most glaring issues with Mike Pence’s presidential campaign was his inability to draw significant crowds. While other candidates were rallying thousands, Pence could barely attract a gathering of 15 people. This lack of enthusiasm and support spoke volumes about his popularity among voters.

A Nightmare Campaign

Pence’s campaign quickly turned into a nightmare, with one embarrassing incident after another. From awkward interactions with voters to baffling policy proposals, Pence seemed out of touch and ill-prepared for the campaign trail. It became increasingly evident that he lacked the charisma and relatability required to connect with the American people.

The Viral Gas Pumping Ad

In an attempt to appear relatable and down-to-earth, Pence released a viral ad in which he was seen pumping gas at a local station. However, it was soon discovered that the gas station was staged, and the entire act was a mere publicity stunt. This moment of deception further eroded the public’s trust in Pence.

Boos at the NRA Convention

In a particularly humiliating incident, Pence was booed at the NRA convention held in his home state of Indiana. This unexpected backlash from conservatives highlighted the growing discontent and disillusionment with his leadership. It became clear that Pence had lost touch with the very base he claimed to represent.

Disastrous Performance in Iowa

During the Iowa caucus, Pence’s campaign suffered a crushing defeat. He failed to resonate with voters and was unable to garner support even among key Republican demographics. This defeat in a critical battleground state further cemented the perception of Pence as an ineffective candidate.

Betraying the Republican Base

One of the most damaging aspects of Pence’s campaign was the perception that he had betrayed the Republican base. Many saw him as a sleeper agent, catering to the interests of the establishment rather than staying true to conservative principles. This betrayal shattered the trust and support of many Republican voters.

Lack of Concern for the Republican Base

Throughout his campaign, Pence displayed a lack of concern for the needs and values of the Republican base. His policy proposals and public statements often contradicted the core principles of conservatism, leaving many feeling abandoned by a candidate they once trusted.


In the wake of Tucker Carlson’s devastating criticism and a series of humiliating campaign mishaps, Mike Pence has withdrawn from the 2024 presidential race in disgrace. His lack of support, inability to draw crowds, and perceived betrayal of the Republican base have ultimately sealed his political fate. As the dust settles, it becomes clear that Pence’s political career has been irreparably damaged, leaving him as a cautionary tale for future candidates.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews